Thursday, October 9, 2008

Grandma's 70th Birthday!

For my Grandma's 70th Birthday, I flew home to spend the weekend in McCall with all the girls and the babies in the family. The weekend started out great! The cabin was beautiful! Friday we went to My Father's Place for lunch, hit all the cute little shops and took all the kids down by the lake to play. The night ended with a late night of playing cards as usual!!
They had a huge swing on the front porch that all the kids loved. Here are a few of them. Michael, Lacy holding Boden, Madden, Lexie and McCoy.
On Saturday it was raining but that was ok we had planned on spending the day making all of our crafts- a Gill tradition. Here is Ash working on her adorable quilt. She kept saying she was tired, little did we know......

My mom and Grandma made PJ's for everyone! Even a pair of maternity ones for me. This was my mom's last pair and I think she was done sewing for the day :)

On Saturday night we celebrated my Grandma's Birthday. Ash made her this beautiful cake and it was so good as well!! And then we opened presents.

My Grandma got lots of fun gifts and one not so fun one. Earlier in the week, the flu had been going around the family. Em stayed home with her kids because they were both sick so we thought we were ok. Not the case at all.

Heidi and Michelle playing cards or hiding from the germs, take your pick!

Ash and Lacy got it first! Poor Lacy was really sick as you can tell from this picture. She loves this picture by the way. It brings back such fun memories! Anyway, they got sick on Saturday night. Later Lexie and Heidi came down with the flu. Michael and Boden got it on Saturday night as well. Next it was my mom's turn on Sunday morning. I thought I was going to make it but nope Sunday afternoon I came down with it along with my poor grandma! That means every one of us that were at the cabin got sick who had not had it the week before. Let me tell you how fun that was with two bathrooms at the cabin and a bunch of sick people! We all left pretty early on Sunday morning, thanks goodness since mine hit Sunday afternoon. We tried to stay away from the guys but sure enough my dad, Ty and Jim Miller all got sick on Monday and Tuesday. This was the most contagious flu ever!
So Happy 70th Grandma!! It will be one that none of us will ever forget!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That picture of Mom is so funny. I can't stop laughing. Looking at Lacy picture it reminds me of how awful that flu was. Tell baby I say hi and love you and miss you.