Monday, January 18, 2016

2 Months Old

My sweet sweet Jackson.  Time is slipping by way too quickly.  I try to memorize every  moment and look you give me because years from now I want to recall the little things that you do.  You make my heart soar and I am so thankful for you!
1.  You are barely in size 1 diapers.  Probably will have to move you up in the next couple of days.
2.  We took you to the doctor on your 2 month birthday and you weighed in at 13 lb. 12 oz.  I could not believe it!
3.  You are starting to wake up more during the day but still usually sleep most of the afternoon away.
4.  You are amazing at night and have slept through the night already twice but most nights you go to bed at nine, wake up at midnight and six then sleep until seven.  You start the night out in your bed but you are love to snuggle with mama after that.
5.  You are smiling and talking like crazy!  You are always good for a smile when someone smiles at you and you try to get out attention by talking to us.  Your brothers are loving this!  Your smile will light up a room and your toes curl when you smile like they are smiling too.
6.  You look just like me and your hair is starting to get a little red in it.
7.  You are doing better in your car seat.
8.  You love bath time and still pee on whoever is giving it to you and your brothers think it is so funny.
9.  You are wearing size 3-6 months clothes.
10.  The only time you will take a binky is in your car seat other than that you spit it out and give us a funny look.

We love you so much Jackson!  You are absolutely adored by all of us and we are so thankful to have you in our family.