Thursday, August 18, 2016

9 Months

9 Months Old!

1.  You are everywhere!  You are crawling every where.  Depending on what type of floor you are on depends what crawl you do.  If you are on hardwood floors you will kick your right leg out and plant your foot for more stability.  If you are on carpet you will crawl the usual way.

2.  You pull yourself up on everything and rearrange all the book shelves currently.

3.  You love your brothers and chase them around every where.  You really like to be in the middle of everything that they are doing,

4.  You are wearing size 4 diaper and size 12 month clothes.

5.  You love to help with the laundry and take things out of the dryer.

6.  You are into the cheesy grin right now and every time you do it just makes me smile.  It is adorable!

7.  We just got back from the beach and you loved it!  You were not so sure about crawling on the sand but you loved playing in the sand sitting on my lap and playing in the ocean and pool.

We love you so much Jackson!  You are the easiest, sweetest and most loved baby ever!