Friday, May 31, 2013


 We headed to Denver the end of May for Collin's graduation party.  Jacoby always enjoys getting to play the drums when he is there and this time him and Collin started a band and handed out tickets.  After the concert, the other boys jumped in for a jam sessions.  Jacoby called themselves the Jostes 4, since he is four.
 One of the days we were there we headed up to the mountains to tiny town.  It's a little town where everything is just the size of a 4 year old, even the train.  Jacoby loved it!  He got to ride in the caboose with other little kids all by himself.  We were sitting in front of him and heard him laughing and giggling the entire time.

 Jace stayed with us and pointed out all the cool things.  Which meant he was pointing the entire time!
 Then we explored the town's buildings.  The boys had a blast running around every where and climbing. 
 At the end of the town was the park.  Jarod and I both commented that poor Jace doesn't get to spend as much time in the swing as Jacoby used to.  Part of loving in Chicago with no space meant we were at the park at least once a day.  We rarely go to the park but when we do, this little boy loves it!!!

We got them all tuckered out, loaded them up and drove back down the mountain back to Denver.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Horseback Riding

While we were in Denver we went horseback riding.  We had so much fun but seriously Jarod always gets the fast horse and I get the old lazy one so we spend our time with him up front and me in the back.  At least I have time to take in the scenery!
Jacoby was so excited and had to wear his cowboy get up.  He was also excited that he was on the biggest horse in the Wild West, according to him.  He really was a big horse though.  He looked like a natural up there and loved every second of it.

The scenery was amazing and we saw two huge moose.  I tried to get a picture but riding on a horse and taking pics does not mix very well.
We sure had fun out in the Wild West!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Graduation Parties

 The reason we went to Denver was for Collin's graduation party along with Jarod's cousin Elizabeth's graduation party.  Since there was two Jostes kids graduating that meant that all of the Jostes sisters were there along with some of the cousins.  It was so great seeing all of them and catchin up!  It was the best part of the trip for me. 
 They had Collin's graduation party at the park behind their house.  It was a huge party and the boys stayed clean for about 2 minutes.  Jace ended up with no pants on most of the night but they sure had fun in the sand and water. 
 When we got there, some how it ended up being Pat, Betty and I setting up everything.  It was hilarious!  We decided we didn't like how Mary had it planned and took over.  We were moving tables, trash cans, etc. and laughing the entire time.  They are so fun and I love spending time with them.
 Jacoby got to play volleyball for the first time and loved it!  Daddy and him came up with their own celebration dance too. 
 The next day, we drove to Fort Collins for Elizabeth's.  Hers was catered so we didn't have to do much.  Thank goodness!
 I sat around and visited with all the Omaha Jostes' and laughed the day away.  Jace was busy playing basketball with Uncle Connor and Jacoby was busy exploring with some of the cousins. 
It is always so great to see all of them and it was fun celebrating Collin.  He is such a great kid and I always enjoy talking to him.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wednesday Mornings

Every Wednesday morning, as soon as Jace notices the trash cans out on our curb, my little helper helps me bring them in.  He gets so excited about his little job.  He points and goes crazy when he sees them and then he has to have his own hands on them and he helps me walk them up the drive way until he gets to the grass and then he runs back for the next one.  It is too cute!  Love my little helper!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Jacoby

You are getting so big!  I just cannot believe it!!  You are the most amazing big boy I could have ever dreamed of having.  You are so helpful around the house.  You are such a great big brother and take your job of protecting Jace to extremes some times but I love it!  You love me so much and you are always reminding me through out the day.  You tell me all day long how much you love me and then give me big kisses and hugs.  You melt me every single day.  My connection with you is so deep and I can call your shots even before you do them.  You are my best buddy and love just being with me all day long.  We keep talking about putting you in school and you even went to Aunt Ash's preschool when we were in Idaho but you just keep insisting that you want to stay at home with me and have me be your teacher.  You love it and so do I so that is what we are going to do for now.  I want to keep you little for as long as possible.  I want to keep you all to myself for as long as I can.  I know it is not much longer and I am savouring this time as much as I can.  You are such a sweet boy.  You have an incredible imagination and I love being a part of it.  You have an imaginary friend, a horse named shooting star.  You and him have been on many adventures and we all ride our horses in to gymnastics every week.  You are doing great in gymnastics as long as you can go first.  You have to go first.  You are extremely competitive and you are certain that you are the fastest and strongest that there ever was.  You tell every one that you are so strong because you can pick up our couch which is true.  I love to hear you sing your primary songs!  Your favorites are my Heavenly Father loves me, Scripture power and popcorn popping.  You love to read the book of mormon stories and since we finished that we have been reading the Bible stories.  You love to read and are getting really good with all your letters and sounds.  You can write and love to write all sorts of letters and then ask me what is says.  You are constantly doing crafts and I have a painting or a drawing on every wall in our house and I love it. 
Jacoby I love you so much!  You mean everything to me and I am so proud to be your Mama.

First Chapter Book

Every night before bed we read you stories, the other day at the library you wanted a long chapter book so we picked up Stuart Little and started reading a chapter at bed time.  You love it!!  I love to read and I hope that you will too. 

My sweet Jace at 16 months

Words cannot express how much I love you little guy!  From the moment in the delivery room when your Daddy placed you in my arms for the very first time, there it was that overwhelming feeling of love.  I want you to know how much I love you!  I want you to know that your Mama tries every day to be the best Mama I can be for you. I know that you were sent to me at the right time and I know with everything that I am that you are mine and I am suppose to be your Mama.  I can't believe how fast you are growing and how badly I wish that I could slow it down but it is so fun watching you grow and develop every day.  You love to learn and challenge yourself and I love to watch you.  You are so incredible!  I love to hear your little feet patter.  I love how when you run you swing your arms or when you dance you bop up and down and throw your arms side to side like a little gorilla.  I love how determined you are that you can walk up and down the stairs even though you have fallen so many times I have lost track.  I love how big you think you are and that you refuse to have a sippy cup with a lid on it.  I love how you sing, especially in the car.  I love how you recognize you and Jacoby's favorite song, The Adventure by Angels and Airwaves.  I love how when you want me to sing to you, you come over to me and start doing the actions for wheels on the bus or the itsey bitsy spider and then you get so excited when I do start singing.  I love how you love to be naked and you giggle and run away every time I change your diaper and then throw a tantrum  when I put one back on you, ok I don't love that part:)  I love how you giggle and get so excited for milky.  I love how you think I need to suck on your toes while you nurse and you take my hair and tickle your ear.  I love how excited you get when Daddy comes home and how you are his little buddy for most of the night and I love how much you love your big brother and I love to watch you play and giggle together.  It's my favorite!  I love you Jace!!  You are my sweet baby and I am so glad that you are mine!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Lemonade Stand

We had our first garage sale this weekend and that means that Jacoby had his first lemonade stand.  He was so excited and he was so cute.  At first he wanted to go up and ask every one if they wanted to buy any lemon ade but then we told him that wasn't very nice manners so then he would try to do it discreetly like saying who would like some lemon ade.  The lemon ade is so good.  Things like that.  It was really funny!  But whatever he did, it worked.  Who could resist this cute kid!  He sold out pretty quick!  And made lots of tips.  The rest of the day, he had to help us with the money.  He would take the money and count the change.  I was shocked at how well he did!  He was out there all day and if he had to get something from inside he would time it so we wouldn't have any customers.  He did not want to miss anything!
The next day, he took his coins and gave them to the Bishop.  He paid his tithing for the very first time and he was so proud of himself.  I was proud of him too!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!  It  just isn't quite the same when I live so far away for Mother's Day so know that I wish I was there to celebrate with you but in the meantime I just wanted to tell you thank you.
Thank you for being the most wonderful mother that I could have ever asked for.  I came across a letter that you wrote to me the other day when I graduated from high school.  It made me cry.  You have always known what to say and do to make me feel so loved.  There has never been a time that I have not felt that from you and I want to thank you for always being there for me.  Thank you for all the letters that you wrote for big events in my life and also the ones that I am sure you were inspired to write as my mom.  I have them all and they mean a lot to me even to this day. 
I remember when I was in junior high and for some reason you and I were not very close.  It is the only time I can remember not feeling close to you.  Dad took me for a drive in his black pick up truck and when we got out to the desert he let me drive.  He told me that it was really hard for him to see us not close and even though he loved how close him and I were he would rather see me close to you then to him.  I remember thinking that it must be really important for me to be close to you if he wished that I was closer to you then him.  I decided then that no matter what I needed and wanted a close relationship with you.  Now looking back I realize just how wise Dad was on that day.  I have needed you and continue to need you every day.  My relationship with you is one of my most prized possessions and I cherish it deeply.  Thank you for everything that you do for me.  Thank you for being my mom and my best friend.  Thank you for being an incredible example to me not only as a mother but also as a daughter of God.  I love you and I am so thankful that I am yours!

Mother's Day 2013

How did I get to be so lucky to be your Mama??  You two are the most incredible little boys and I thank my Heavenly Father every day, multiple times a day that not only do I get to be your Mama but I get to stay home and be with you every day.  You two are the best gifts I have ever or will ever receive.  I love you more than words can say and I hope that you feel of my love every day and multiple times a day.  Never forget that I love you, I want what is best for you and I will be here no matter what with open arms and a listening ear for my two special boys.
On Saturday night, Jacoby planned a date for me.  The boys took me to sushi, his pick and then our for ice cream.  He made me a book full of pictures, glitter and his letters.  It said that he loved me bigger then an airport which is his big saying right now.  He also made me a beautiful card that said, I love you Mama.  Happy Mother's Day.  I love you as big as the airport.  I love when we go out for sushi and have ice cream after,  Jacoby James Jostes and I love you Mom.  Love, Jacoby
and then he said this for Jace, Mama, I love you and your milky.  You are the best Mama in the whole world.  Love, Jace
They also got me sunflowers because Jacoby was insistent that I needed sunflowers and Jace picked me out yellow carnations.  They were so cute handing them to me. 
Sunday we went to church and I took the kids up to sing for the Mom's.  Jace was mad that he didn't get to go up and Jacoby did such a good job singing!  Then Jace escaped during sacrament meeting and since it happened to be fast Sunday I just picked him up on the stage and went and bore my testimony with Jace.  At first he pretended to be shy and by the end he kept grabbing the mike and talking in to it.  It was really funny! 
I publicly wanted to thank my Heavenly Father for the two of you.  I talked about how when I was working I used to get a lot of awards and did well for myself but it wasn't fulfilling for me.  When Jacoby was born, I knew what my mission on Earth was, to be your Mama.  I love you both and thank you so much for making Mother's Day so special!
We ended the afternoon with a long bike ride along the river.  Jacoby joked that it was the chocolate milk river and we all had a good laugh.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Smoothie time

Every single time I look at this picture I laugh!  Look how proud you are of yourself sitting in your chair with chocolate spinach smoothie all over your face!!  Since you refuse to have a top on any of your cups since you are big just like your brother it is a common occurence for you to be covered in food but this day you ended up with it in your hair and on your forehead.  Silly boy!