Monday, November 24, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Ericka to post the fourth picture in your picture file and tag four people. I don't think I have four people who haven't been tagged yet but at least I will post the picture.
So this picture was taken over Spring Break this year in San Diego. We went to go and see Elish and Rob and rented bikes for a tour around the bay. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time! The bikes made you have perfect posture and I could not stop laughing riding behind Jarod. He looked hysterical!
Man, I actually had a waist and a figure! I hope I get back there someday soon.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Looking back on the last 36 weeks

Wow! I cannot believe that on Friday I hit the 36 week mark. Pregnancy has been an incredible journey and I cannot believe that it is almost over. I thought a lot this weekend about the last 36 weeks and realized that I needed to reflect a little bit more on this journey before it is over. So here are a few highlights so I can remember them later.

Jarod and I took a pregnancy test on Saturday, March 29 and were shocked, excited and scared when it showed a very light pink line. We took another one just to make sure. We were both very nervous since I had miscarried before and I don't think that either of us wanted to get our hopes up.

On April 1, April Fool's Day we called the doctor that morning and he told us to come in for a blood draw. We were both really nervous and we were just hoping that everything would be all right this time around. We got a call later that day confirming that we were pregnant! Our doctor wanted to watch us very closely for the first couple of weeks so every other day for two weeks I went to the doctor to have my blood drawn to make sure my levels were rising. I absolutely hate having my blood drawn and have been known to pass out on quite a few occasions so this was quite a challenge for me but it is amazing what you will do if you know that it is for your baby.

After two weeks, we went in for another doctor's appointment and he told us that everything looked great and he was pretty certain that we didn't have anything to worry about this time around. What a relief!! Jarod and I were so excited and finally let our guard down and allowed ourselves to feel all of the emotions.

I felt great for the first nine weeks of pregnancy other than the nervousness that I had constantly wondering if everything was ok. At nine weeks, I got morning sickness that lasted for 5 1/2 months. I have to tell you that I am so thankful for the morning sickness that I had and I know that it was a blessing in my life ( I sound crazy don't I). Every time I felt sick or threw up I knew that the baby was ok. It was the only thing during those few months that put my mind at ease and reassured me on a daily basis. I have never been more thankful for being sick.

On July 3, Jarod and I were walking through Dublin and I stopped in my tracks and told him that I felt something weird. He knew immediately that it was the baby. I was not so sure. The next day we went back to London and as we were walking around I felt the same things. I was still not convinced. We flew home that night and the next day as we were sitting on the couch recovering from jet lag, I felt it again and knew it was the baby. I was so excited!! My new reassurance that everything was ok.

July 21 we had our 20 week ultrasound. It was absolutely amazing! We got to sit and watch the baby move for an hour and 40 minutes! When we got there the baby was a sleep and we watched it wake up and stretch vertebrae by vertebrae. It was such a wonderful experience.

July 30 Jarod felt the baby move for the first time. We were sitting on the couch and I felt the baby move I took his hand and placed it on my belly and the baby kicked. His entire face lit up and I have never seen him more excited! I will never forget the look on his face.

The only food that the baby reacts to and that I crave is frozen grapes. It is the weirdest thing but every time I eat them the baby goes crazy and it is all I want to eat. I guess there could be worse things.

I started showing right off the bat and thought I was huge and now I look back on pictures and think how tiny I was. I was in maternity pants by the end of my first trimester but I can still wear regular shirts at 36 weeks. Oh how I am going to miss maternity pants though. I have decided that I love elastic.

September 28, the baby had the hiccups for the very first time. I could not figure out for a few minutes what the deal was and then it dawned on me. The baby continues to have them quite a bit sometimes 3-4 times a day. I don't think that I have a very patient one either. The baby puts up with the hiccups for a few minutes and then gets really annoyed and starts moving around like crazy until they go away. I might be in trouble!!

This has been such an amazing experience and I have really enjoyed being pregnant. I know that I am going to miss feeling the baby move but I am so excited for this little one to get here! I can't wait to meet our baby. We have waited a long time for this little one.

Northwestern vs. Ohio State

Every year, Jarod and I try to hit at least one new college football stadium. This year we had the opportunity to go to the Northwestern vs. Ohio State game.
There were so many Ohio State fans that you felt like you were at one of their home games. Poor Northwestern!

We had a great time even though it was 32 degrees with the wind chill. We were ok as long as we were in our seats but every time I got up to go to the bathroom, which is constantly these days, I froze! We were so happy that we got a new stadium in this year with everything else that has been going on so we kept the tradition alive!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Jarod's First Shower

This last weekend Jarod flew to Omaha to watch Connor coach against the team that Jim Jostes used to play for back in the day. Jarod has a lot of family that lives in or near Omaha so they had quite a crowd between the Leinen's and Jostes' for Fort Hays State vs. UNO.

Jarod and his family after the game.

After the game, Jarod's aunts threw him a Baby Shower. He was so excited to go to his first shower. I was bummed that I couldn't be there but I am too close to delivery and not allowed to travel.
They had a book themed shower which was perfect! Here is Jarod sporting one of his new favorite book. He had such a good time and was a very proud dad showing off the newest ultrasound pictures and pregnancy photos of me.
When he got home, he was so excited to show me all the books and he read them all to the baby that day. All 29 of them!

Apple Orchard

A few weeks ago, Jarod and I decided to drive to Wisconsin to go and pick apples. I love apple season in the Midwest! We drove across the Wisconsin border and went to this apple orchard/ pumpkin patch. It was a really cute place but I thought this Golden Goat Bridge was hysterical! They had these tracks that the goats could walk from one side of the farm to the other over the people walking below them. They were pretty smart and depending on what side had more people feeding them they would race from side to side.
Here is a trek back to the other side for food. There was no tricking these smart goats. They had it all figured out.

I love apple season here because there are so many different types that I had never heard of before moving here. We were a little late this year for much picking but we still ventured out to the orchards to check it out.

One lonely apple on the tree. Next year we will have to go earlier so we can pick our own but at least we still got to enjoy them and it was much easier picking them out of a crate!

Me and Baby all bundled up. It was cold and windy!

It was a great day and nice to get away from the city for the day. Sometimes you just need a little bit of fresh air and some goats to make you feel at home :)