Monday, November 24, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Ericka to post the fourth picture in your picture file and tag four people. I don't think I have four people who haven't been tagged yet but at least I will post the picture.
So this picture was taken over Spring Break this year in San Diego. We went to go and see Elish and Rob and rented bikes for a tour around the bay. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time! The bikes made you have perfect posture and I could not stop laughing riding behind Jarod. He looked hysterical!
Man, I actually had a waist and a figure! I hope I get back there someday soon.


Ericka said...

oh the figure returns quite quickly! It's amazing how much water weight you will lose. And I talked to my OB and asked her if I could start running and she said as long as calories and fluids are enough it shouldn't effect the milk flowage!! So that is good news, 1/2 marathon training here I come!! (ha ha, it all sounds so good in my head!!)

Matt and Amber said...

So you're not giving me any hope ya know! When is your due date again? It's this week isn't it? Lucky ducky! I hope for you that it's sooner rather than later. You'll have to let me know how it goes. I'm a little scared to be honest!