Tuesday, October 18, 2016

11 Months Old!

Today has been a hard day for you mama.  I am having a really hard time with you being eleven months old.  It leaves me with a big lump in my throat.  With you being my last baby, I am sure every milestone will be bittersweet.  I love to see you grow and your little personality!  You are so much fun and I have enjoyed EVERY second of the last eleven months with you.  I hope that you know how much you mean to me Jackson.  I love you so much!

1.  I love how excited you get to see me when I come and get you up from your nap.
2.  You have 6 teeth.  4 on top and 2 on bottom.
3.  You are wearing size 12-18 months clothes
4.  You are everywhere and keep up with your brothers running with how fast you can crawl.
5.  You can stand by yourself and you love your little push toys that you can walk behind.
6.  You climb on everything
7.  You love to ride on the car toys and say vroom vroom.  It is adorable!
8.  The other night in the bath tub you said quack quack.
9.  you say mama all the time.  Sometimes you say Dada.  We think you have said hi and bye but not all of the time.
10.  You love to eat and you always take your cup after you drink it and put it in your food.  right smack in the middle and if I move it you move it back.
11.  Your giggle is the best and you are the happiest baby!  You get so excited about talking baths. seeing your mama, or when Daddy or your brothers get home.
12.  You love to cuddle with mama and you still love to nurse and have our own time just with the two of us.
13.  You love to be outside and I am a little concerned what we are going to do in the middle of winter.

We sure do love you Jackson!!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

10 Months Old

I cannot believe we are in double digits!  I wish I could slow time down and savor this stage a lot longer.  You are a blast!!

1.  Your top teeth broke through this month and man are they sharp!  You are trying to bite everything right now including my shoulder and fingers.  Sometimes you get me pretty good.

2.  You love to be outside and would prefer to be all day long!  You love to crawl around and explore.

3.  You have mastered the stairs and can go all over the house and you are pretty proud of yourself.

4.  You like to play in the drawers in the kitchen and in the pantry.  You really love to rearrange the pantry.

5.  You chase your brothers around and you are lightning fast!

6.  You love to walk Jacoby to school in the morning and you get all excited when you know we are leaving.

7.  You love to eat but you will not eat anything that you think resembles baby food.

8.  You are in size 12 months clothes

9.  You love to snuggle and nurse with your mama.  You start giggling as soon as we head up the stairs to go nurse and sleep in our bed.  Sometimes you take me up there not to sleep but to just cuddle.  You like your time with me and I love every second of it.

Oh baby boy!  You are so amazing and your Mama loves you so much! The other night your dad and I were talking about you as we crawled into bed and you were taking up the whole bed you complete our little family.  I love you so much it physically hurts sometimes.  You are my everything and I have waited for you for so long!  I love you Jacksie!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

9 Months

9 Months Old!

1.  You are everywhere!  You are crawling every where.  Depending on what type of floor you are on depends what crawl you do.  If you are on hardwood floors you will kick your right leg out and plant your foot for more stability.  If you are on carpet you will crawl the usual way.

2.  You pull yourself up on everything and rearrange all the book shelves currently.

3.  You love your brothers and chase them around every where.  You really like to be in the middle of everything that they are doing,

4.  You are wearing size 4 diaper and size 12 month clothes.

5.  You love to help with the laundry and take things out of the dryer.

6.  You are into the cheesy grin right now and every time you do it just makes me smile.  It is adorable!

7.  We just got back from the beach and you loved it!  You were not so sure about crawling on the sand but you loved playing in the sand sitting on my lap and playing in the ocean and pool.

We love you so much Jackson!  You are the easiest, sweetest and most loved baby ever!

Monday, July 18, 2016

8 Months Old

Jackson your mama loves you so much!  There are multiple moments a day that I could explode for the love I feel for you.  You take my breathe away and I am so happy that you are my baby.

1.  We cannot go any where without people stopping us to tell us how cute you are.  Constantly.  All day long.  I agree.  You are the cutest baby ever.

2.  You are every where!  You roll, scoot and get around.  I wouldn't say you are crawling but you get everywhere you want to go.

3.  You can go from your tummy to a seated position.

4.  You wave bye bye

5.  You say mama

6.  Sweet potatoes and peaches are your favorite food

7.  You are a mama's boy through and through

8.  You pull yourself up to your knees and sometimes all the way up to your feet on me.

9.  You are always good for a smile and are one happy baby.

10.  You love to go on walks and be outside

11.  You are still wearing size 9 months clothes and you are in a size 4 diaper now.

12.  You love to clap and get so excited when you do and squeal.

Jacksie we love you so much!!  You have the sweetest spirit and have all of us wrapped around your little finger.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

7 Months Old!

Oh my heavens!  You cannot be that old!  Little baby boy you are so dearly loved I cannot even begin to tell you how much!

1.  You have been really fussy the last few days.  You got two teeth!  I couldn't believe it!  You are so much earlier than your brothers it didn't even cross my mind that it could be teeth!

2.  You also had a fever for a few days and weren't feeling well.  The only thing you wanted was for your mama to hold you and walk outside.  All day long.

3.  We started feeding you solids this month.  You liked rice cereal and sweet potato.  Those are your favorites.  You weren't a huge fan of broccoli yet.

4.  You have to have three spoons when we feed you.  One in each hand and one that I feed you with or you are constantly trying to take the spoon from me.

5.  You love playing on the floor with your brothers.  You cannot stand to be by yourself though.

6.  You have struggled with sleeping the last few nights but I think it's because you are not feeling well.  You do not like me to put you down for your naps so I have to hold you and cuddle with you.  Normally I lie down with you and you nurse and fall asleep but right now you like me to rock you and hold you.

7.  You say mmmm for mama.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

6 Months Old

Sweet baby Jackson!  We love you so much!  Six months could be my favorite age ever!

1.  You are sitting up for long periods of time but staying in one place.

2.  You have mastered the rolling on both sides and can roll across the room to get wherever you want.

3.  You love to be outside ALL of the time.  You will whine as we walk pat the door intil we take you outside.

4.  You light up when you see me, your dad or your brothers.

5.  Such a good sleeper and good napper.  We enjoy our afternoon naps together these days.  I love to snuggle and cuddle with you.

6.  When you get fussy I take you up in my bed and nurse and cuddle you and you are instantly happy and content.  Sometimes I think you just want my undivided attention.

You are the sweetest baby ever!  We love you so much Jacksie!!

Monday, April 18, 2016

5 Months Old

Jackson sweet boy, words cannot even come close to explain how much I love you and what you mean to me.  You are the most beautiful gift and I am so grateful for you!  I love you so very much!

1.  You are smiling and happy all of the time.  Well most of the time.  As long as you are with me, you are the easiest, happiest baby ever!
2.  When you do get sad you pucker out your bottom lip to the saddest little face you ever did see.
3.  You laugh and giggle all of the time.  You love the mirror and playing peek a boo.  Jacoby says "here I am" instead of peek a boo because one time he scared you and you cried but you think that game is the best.
4.  You love your excersaucer and get excited when you see it for a few minutes
5.  You roll over like crazy but you get stuck on your tummy and haven't figured out how to roll that way yet.  You are not a fan of being stuck and let us know about it.
6.  You are an amazing sleeping and I am really hoping it lasts.  You love to snuggle with your mama all night long.  You have started taking naps in our bed too but you also will fall asleep when I am holding you or nursing you.
7.  When I nurse you, you love to play with my hair and have it against your face.  If I have it up you swat your hand around looking for it.
8.  You are in 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers
9.  You are doing much better in your car seat and will play with toys and talk to Jacoby in the back seat.  When you are done you let us know with a different noise you make then you start to cry.
10. Every time before you fall asleep, you will have your eyes closed and dozing off but you will open your eyes one more time and give me a smile before you fall asleep.  It is the cutest, sweetest thing ever!

Jackson we love you so much!!  Thank you for all of the love and smiles that you bring to us each day!

Friday, March 18, 2016

4 Months Old!

My sweet baby Jackson.  You are the most beautiful baby inside and out!  We could not love you more!

1.  Has been sleeping like a champ!  I would say most nights you sleep through the night.  Usually go down about 8:30 wake up around midnight to eat. go back to sleep until 6, eat and up for the day around 7.  You start the night out in  your co-sleeper but then snuggle with your mama after that.
2.  We took you in for your 4 month check up and you weighed in at 16 lbs and 13 oz.  I could not believe it.  You are in the 80%.
3.  You rolled over from your back to your front for the first time a few days before four months.  Mamma and Paka were in town and you showed them a new trick.  You were playing on the floor in the toy room.  Once you get on your tummy you can't quite figure out how to go the other way.
4.  You are in size three diapers and 6-9 months clothes.
5.  You laugh and giggle and squeal a lot.  You like to get everyone's attention and then you give them a big smile with your whole body.
6.  You are always good for a smile even when you are tired or hungry.  You constantly pull off nursing and give me the biggest smiles and every time as you are dozing off you open your eyes one more time and smile at me before really going to sleep.  It is the sweetest thing.
7.  You are a mama's boy and lately you do not like being away from me at all.  You will scream and scream if I leave you.  Your poor daddy wants to comfort you so badly but will not have any of it.
8.  You dislike your car seat and tell us about it.
9.  You are the happiest baby and love to just be with your Mama and watch the world go by.  You love to walk around and see what is going on constantly.
10.  You adore your brothers and watch them constantly.  They feel the same way about you too.  Jacoby can get you to smile and laugh better than anyone and you light up when we go get him at school.  The boys sing this song to you all day long, Jackson is the best, Jackson is the best.  It is so cute and we really think that you are.

We love you Jackson, Jacks, Jacksey and Bird (just a few of your nicknames)!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

3 Months Old

How can you be three months old?  It seems like just yesterday you were born but in the same breath I have no doubt that I have known you forever.  Jackson you have brought so much joy and love into our lives.  You are the apple of not only my eye but your dads and your brothers too.  We absolutely adore you!

1.  You are the sweetest, happiest baby!  The only time you cry is when you are in your car seat and we all can't take it.  We don't like it when you cry.  Your cry consists of you going ma, ma, ma, ma which is even worse for your mama.  I know you don't know what you are saying but with your pouty lip and that cry it pulls at my heart.

2.  You are a really good sleeper.  We have our nights but for the most part you go to sleep around nine, wake up around midnight and then sleep until about 6:30.  During the day you like to take a nap about an hour after you wake up for the day and a few other cat naps through out the day.  You usually like to sleep the afternoons away.  You love to cuddle with me on the couch and sleep so we do that most of the time.  You love to snuggle and know that mama is there.  If you wake up and I am not there you fuss until you see me and then usually give me a great big smile.

3.  You are in size two diapers barely.  We will probably move you up to the next size next week.

4.  You are wearing some size 3 months but mostly 6 months clothes.  You have the cutest double chin and big cheeks.

5.  You love to talk and get our attention.  You light up when Jacoby comes in the room.

6.  You are starting to be opinionated about who is holding you and you usually want it to be me.

7.  You enjoy playing on the floor for short periods of times and have started playing with your toys and batting them with your hands.

8.  You still love to nurse but they are starting to spread out more like 2- 2 1/2 hours in between.  Still a one sided nurser for the most part.

9.  You have had a crummy cold for the last week but it doesn't seem to be phasing you too much other than you want to be held all of the time not just most of the time.

10.  You are a cuddle bug and love to be cuddled and kissed.  You snuggle in and we all love it!

11.  Your hair is starting to have quite a bit of red in it but underneath it's light.

12.  You have discovered your hands and love to play with them and suck on them.  You have even found your thumb!  You love to suck on that thumb and I keep trying to put a binky in your mouth instead.

We love you Jackson so much!!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Jackson's Blessing

While we were in Boise, my Dad gave Jackson his blessing.  It was a beautiful blessing.  It was an amazing experience for me as I watched Jarod carry my baby up to the front of the church and hand Jackson to my dad.  The circle was full with my dad, Randy, Ty, Kyle, Brandon, Uncle Pat and my friend Kelly.  As these great men encircled my baby, I felt such a huge rush of the spirit and of the priesthood power take over the room.  It was so powerful for me that I don't think I even heard much of the blessing but I know that this baby boy is a choice spirit and I know he has a great work to accomplish on the Earth.  And  I know that he has a healing spirit because he has healed me in ways I didn't even know I needed to be healed.
My mom made his cute blessing outfit and blanket and he looked adorable!  I didn't get many pictures the day of his blessing but I took these when we got home.

Monday, January 18, 2016

2 Months Old

My sweet sweet Jackson.  Time is slipping by way too quickly.  I try to memorize every  moment and look you give me because years from now I want to recall the little things that you do.  You make my heart soar and I am so thankful for you!
1.  You are barely in size 1 diapers.  Probably will have to move you up in the next couple of days.
2.  We took you to the doctor on your 2 month birthday and you weighed in at 13 lb. 12 oz.  I could not believe it!
3.  You are starting to wake up more during the day but still usually sleep most of the afternoon away.
4.  You are amazing at night and have slept through the night already twice but most nights you go to bed at nine, wake up at midnight and six then sleep until seven.  You start the night out in your bed but you are love to snuggle with mama after that.
5.  You are smiling and talking like crazy!  You are always good for a smile when someone smiles at you and you try to get out attention by talking to us.  Your brothers are loving this!  Your smile will light up a room and your toes curl when you smile like they are smiling too.
6.  You look just like me and your hair is starting to get a little red in it.
7.  You are doing better in your car seat.
8.  You love bath time and still pee on whoever is giving it to you and your brothers think it is so funny.
9.  You are wearing size 3-6 months clothes.
10.  The only time you will take a binky is in your car seat other than that you spit it out and give us a funny look.

We love you so much Jackson!  You are absolutely adored by all of us and we are so thankful to have you in our family.