Monday, April 18, 2016

5 Months Old

Jackson sweet boy, words cannot even come close to explain how much I love you and what you mean to me.  You are the most beautiful gift and I am so grateful for you!  I love you so very much!

1.  You are smiling and happy all of the time.  Well most of the time.  As long as you are with me, you are the easiest, happiest baby ever!
2.  When you do get sad you pucker out your bottom lip to the saddest little face you ever did see.
3.  You laugh and giggle all of the time.  You love the mirror and playing peek a boo.  Jacoby says "here I am" instead of peek a boo because one time he scared you and you cried but you think that game is the best.
4.  You love your excersaucer and get excited when you see it for a few minutes
5.  You roll over like crazy but you get stuck on your tummy and haven't figured out how to roll that way yet.  You are not a fan of being stuck and let us know about it.
6.  You are an amazing sleeping and I am really hoping it lasts.  You love to snuggle with your mama all night long.  You have started taking naps in our bed too but you also will fall asleep when I am holding you or nursing you.
7.  When I nurse you, you love to play with my hair and have it against your face.  If I have it up you swat your hand around looking for it.
8.  You are in 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers
9.  You are doing much better in your car seat and will play with toys and talk to Jacoby in the back seat.  When you are done you let us know with a different noise you make then you start to cry.
10. Every time before you fall asleep, you will have your eyes closed and dozing off but you will open your eyes one more time and give me a smile before you fall asleep.  It is the cutest, sweetest thing ever!

Jackson we love you so much!!  Thank you for all of the love and smiles that you bring to us each day!

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