Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve we hit the slopes in Indiana!  We heard about this ski resort a few weeks before and once we did we couldn't wait to go.  It was much bigger then I thought it would be and it was so much fun!  Jacoby took a lesson when we first got there and Jarod skied by himself and then we traded and I went for a while.  When Jacoby was done with his ski lesson and Jace had woken up from his nap we all headed up.  We were on the ski lift and I looked at Jarod and told him that we were crazy!  We had our baby and our 4 year old with us on a ski lift!  But we all had so much fun!  Jace talked and made noises the entire time.  He was a huge hit with every one and had smiles to go with it.  Jacoby just giggles the entire time.  He LOVES it!  It was so much fun.  Before we left we signed Jacoby up for weekly ski lessons through January and February.  I am so glad that it is a family sport that I am sure we will be doing together for years.  What a great way to start the new year!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas in Cincinnati

 We flew home from Boise on December 29 and the boys were so excited to see what Santa had left for them!  Jace didn't even take his coat off.
 Jace got a walking toy,
 Dad got the yearly calendar.  This year I did two.  One for the office and one for home, so technically it was like a present to me too.
 Jacoby got a new bike and bubble machine.
 Mama got a tea cup and hot chocolate that Jacoby picked out all by himself. 
 Then we opened up presents from great grandma Leinen and this lamb was the biggest hit with Jace. 
 He loves on it all day long and gets so excited when he sees it!  It is so cute!
Jacoby was so excited for his big boy bike.  He rode it around the house for a few days.  Then he tried it out outside.  He does pretty good but when he wants to go really fast he gets on his scooter.
We had such a great Christmas this year!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jace's First Birthday Party

 One of the best part about having my boys' birthdays near the holidays is that we always get to celebrate their birthdays with family.  I was thrilled that we got to celebrate Jace's first birthday in Boise! 
 We decided to go with the airplane theme since that is what his nursery is decorated with.  It turned out so cute.  My best friend from high school did the cake and the cupcakes.  They were so cute and so yummy!
 Jace loved opening presents
 and showing every thing to me. 
 He really liked the glow toy that Aunt Ash got him
 and I can't tell what is in his hand here but he always has to have a treasure and his birthday was no exception.
 I am so lucky to have these amazing boys in my life!
 He wasn't sure what to think when every one started singing to him but pretty soon he started bouncing and smiling and enjoyed the attention.
 He kept saying hot to the candle and we had lots of help blowing the candles out from big brother. 
 I was so excited for the cake smash!  This was the first time he had gluten since we had been gluten free for months due to his eczema.  I thought for sure that he would love it. 
 He stuck his little finger in but didn't put it in his mouth.
 I jumped in to show him what to do and let him taste it but he wanted to paint instead.
 This was the only fist that went in to his mouth.
 The rest of the time he would take a chunk out and paint all over the floor with it.  It was so funny!
 He loved showing us what he was doing and he had no time for pictures.
 He was busy making a mess
 Then he decided to paint with his toes too.  It was hilarious! 
Here is the proof though that a little bit ended up in his mouth!
I can't believe it has been a year!  It has flown by so fast but it has been an incredible one.  One that I look back on and smile.  Jace has been a pure joy in our home.  He has the sweetest personality and he has enriched our lives in so many ways.  We love you Jacers!

Friday, December 28, 2012

The rest of the trip

We spent a lot of time with just my little family this trip with both of my parents working but we enjoyed being in Boise.  We went and checked out the old neighborhoods.  Tried some new amazing restaurants.
Played in the snow and built snow men that they had to shovel the entire walk to do so.
We also went to an indoor play place with all the extended family.  It was so good to see every one.
We also took pictures of our entire family for my mom.  This is unedited but it was the best one.  The edited one actually looks pretty good.
We also had family pictures taken, which turned out awesome!
It was a great trip and so fun to be in Boise for such a long time.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

First Christmas

First Christmas for all of these baby boys!!  Some times you just have to keep snapping until you get all four of them looking at you.  Jace is so hard to take pictures of these days because he is so busy and really good at throwing tantrums as you can tell.

Christmas Day

After eating breakfast pizza, we headed to Ty's house for Christmas day.  Look at this crew.  We keep getting bigger!! 
Benson is too cute!
Jacoby was so excited to give Michael his gift and Michael loved it!
Blake slept the entire time on Mamma

We were really excited that Grandma GG came over to see us on Christmas day.  She brought all of our beautiful gifts and took hers home as well.  (Check out my ring from Jacoby!)
Jace and Blake enjoyed pulling off bulbs and touching the lights
Sweet Wesson
My baby's first Christmas!!
All of the grand children, minus Wesson who was eating.  Yes, Jace is very excited about having his picture taken. 
It was a great Christmas and the kids did awesome!!  I am very lucky to have such an incredible family and I am thankful for them every day.

Christmas Eve and Morning

When we got back from bowling, we had dinner with Mamma and Paka and then tried to read a cute book I had gotten for the boys about pajama elves.  Some times my best plans blow up in my face when both boys want me at the same time. 
Daddy to the rescue though and we got our jammies on
and headed outside to leave the reindeer their food.  We also left a snack for Santa.
It was nice that we got to sleep in a little bit but then it was hard to entertain them while we waited for Mamma and Paka. 

When we got up, Santa had left a note for Jacoby.  He was so excited.  It told him that Blue, our elf, had told him that he was a good boy and that he had presents waiting for him in Ohio.  Jacoby was really sad saying good bye to Blue on Christmas Eve so he was really glad Santa told him that Blue was with him.

Jace was excited to open presents.  He is too cute!!

Both of my happy boys on Christmas morning!!