Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jace's First Birthday Party

 One of the best part about having my boys' birthdays near the holidays is that we always get to celebrate their birthdays with family.  I was thrilled that we got to celebrate Jace's first birthday in Boise! 
 We decided to go with the airplane theme since that is what his nursery is decorated with.  It turned out so cute.  My best friend from high school did the cake and the cupcakes.  They were so cute and so yummy!
 Jace loved opening presents
 and showing every thing to me. 
 He really liked the glow toy that Aunt Ash got him
 and I can't tell what is in his hand here but he always has to have a treasure and his birthday was no exception.
 I am so lucky to have these amazing boys in my life!
 He wasn't sure what to think when every one started singing to him but pretty soon he started bouncing and smiling and enjoyed the attention.
 He kept saying hot to the candle and we had lots of help blowing the candles out from big brother. 
 I was so excited for the cake smash!  This was the first time he had gluten since we had been gluten free for months due to his eczema.  I thought for sure that he would love it. 
 He stuck his little finger in but didn't put it in his mouth.
 I jumped in to show him what to do and let him taste it but he wanted to paint instead.
 This was the only fist that went in to his mouth.
 The rest of the time he would take a chunk out and paint all over the floor with it.  It was so funny!
 He loved showing us what he was doing and he had no time for pictures.
 He was busy making a mess
 Then he decided to paint with his toes too.  It was hilarious! 
Here is the proof though that a little bit ended up in his mouth!
I can't believe it has been a year!  It has flown by so fast but it has been an incredible one.  One that I look back on and smile.  Jace has been a pure joy in our home.  He has the sweetest personality and he has enriched our lives in so many ways.  We love you Jacers!

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