Thursday, December 13, 2012

11 Months old!

 Seriously Mom, we are still doing these pictures!

 Look at me, no hands!
 How big is Jace?

Really, eleven months!  Holy cow!!!  I can't even begin to tell you how fast the eleven months have gone and you are turning into such a big boy.  You are still our happy, happy boy just a little bit busier these days.  We love you so much!
1.  Still napping twice a day and does pretty well at night
2.  Climbs the stairs like crazy.  That's all he wants to do.  Has started going down them as well and gave up on the whole sideways thing.  Thank goodness.
3.  You better not leave the bathroom door open on any of the three floors in our house because if you do, this little one will be there as fast as he can and right in to the toilet paper.  He is obsessed!  He loves to try and eat toilet paper.  First he carries it around in his little hands, then he starts shredding it, then balls it up, smiles at you and puts it in his mouth.  When you take it from him throws a massive tantrum.  We go through this at least a few times a day.
4.  Still has to have a treasure in his hand
5.  Loves to color.  He loves to use crayons and color with Jacoby.
6.  He throws his hands up if you ask him how big he is
7.  Gave up the binky a long time ago, not sure if I ever wrote that down?  Maybe 9 months?
8.  Loves to nurse.  Prefers to lay down these days.
9.  Loves to cuddle and give kisses
10.  Blows kisses, signs all done, waves all the time
11.  Occasionally he says Mama but most of the time just grunts until he gets what he wants
12.  Eats everything that we do.  He loves tuna, salmon, blueberries, snap peas, pretty much everything and is a pretty good little eater.
13.  Jace is still gluten free but I went off about a week ago.  I am too tiny for me and worried about my weight so I am going to see how he does with me not being gluten free.  So far, so good.
14.  Eczema is still sticking around though we have made a lot of progress.  I have him and me on probiotics, fish oil and vitamin D. 
15.  Loves his big brother and chasing him or being chased
16.  He can fly on his knees.  He is so fast!  I can hardly catch him when I need to.
17.  Will stand in the middle of the room and cruises on everything.  Still hasn't taken any steps though.
18.  Loves to play peek a boo and while you are holding him he will lean forward and go Ah until he gets your attention and then will just grin at you.
I could go on and on.  He is so much fun and we love our Jacers!!

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