Friday, June 29, 2012

Blake and Jace

I was so excited to go home and meet Baby Blake!!!  He is so cute and it was so much fun to watch him and Jace.  They are only ten weeks apart and I am pretty sure it was love after long stares from Jace.  He sat and just kept looking at him and checking him out and then it was game on.  He kept trying to get Blake's binky and successfully grabbed it a few times.  Blake got a few good swift arms in on Jace as well but the cutest thing was when Blake was crying and Jace took his hand.  He does that all the time with Jacoby too and it was so cute to see him comforting Blake.  I love these two boys so much and I cannot wait for the other two to get here soon!  We are going to have so much fun with four boys in eight months!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Michael's Baseball Game

We headed to Boise the end of June for family camp but we went a few days early so we could catch one of Michael's baseball games.  It was so fun to watch!  He was hysterical and yes that is him on third base facing second base in his ready stance.  Lets just say he has some learning to do :)  Jacoby was so excited to go to the game but as soon as we got there he was more interested in playing, running and tackling his cousins so he didn't see much of the game but when they were watching he cheered for Michael so loud.  It was really cute!  It was so hot that we tried to keep Jace in the shade and we also unsuccessfully tried to dodge the mosquitoes!  I was really glad we were able to get one of his games in. 
Side note, at the game Jacoby and Boden thought it was hilarious to each take a drink out of a water bottle and then pass it back and forth.  The next day Jacoby took a nap and when he woke up he had a high fever and starting throwing up.  I took him to the doctor and he had strep throat!!  Lucky for us Boden didn't get it but man was Jacoby miserable our entire trip!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

9 Year Anniversary!

A few days before our ninth anniversary (since we were in Idaho and not together for the real thing), I brought the tripod in our back yard and tried to get some new family pictures of us.  They didn't turn out all that bad.  We are getting this timer thing down pretty well. 
I LOVE my family!  They are my world, my everything and there is no other three people I would rather be with then these crazy boys! 
I can't believe it has been nine years since we got married!  It really doesn't seem like that long ago but then I start thinking about all the stuff we have done in nine years and it seems like we should have been married a lot longer.  It has been the best nine years of my life!  Full of adventure, lots of laughing and just enjoying life with my best friend.  I love you Jar, you are the most amazing person I know and I am so proud to be your wife!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

My boys are so lucky to have Jarod for a Daddy.  He is absolutely amazing and I am so proud of him and the daddy he is.  His boys love him so much and so does there Mama!
We had a very special Father's Day this year, because Jeff came out for a visit.  Daddy got to spend the weekend with his family and his best friend, I don't think it gets much better than that. 
On Father's Day we drove to Dayton to go see the air museum.  We had heard such good things and wanted to check it out.  It was so much cooler then I ever thought it would be.  Actually, it was really cool! 

Jacoby got to drive an F16 and so did Mama, Daddy and Jace.  We toured lots of different hangars full of airplanes and artifacts.  It was so interesting.  We left Jeff in the dust to read all the information and he filled us in on it later since we were busy entertaining a three year old.
The coolest part by far was taking the bus over to the actual air force base and touring the Presidential Hangar.  It was incredible!  JFK's air force one was there and you could even see where they had cut the back wall to make room for his coffin.  It was very eerie but really cool!!
I am sure this will not be the last time we go to this museum!

Ha, ha!  We thought we were so funny taking this picture and then Jacoby walked up there and did it too.  We were laughing so hard and I love the shot!!  Who knows, maybe a future President!
We had the best time having Jeff here.  It was like the good old days.  We laughed more then I have in a long time.  It was so much fun!  Jarod and Jeff went golfing one day.  Another day we went to the pool but I think the highlight for all of us was the amazing meal we had with just the three of us.  Yes, I left Jace for the first time when Jeff was in town and we went out for probably one of the most amazing meals of my life at a local steak house.  Jace did great with our neighbors Rachel and Jeff and I did pretty good.  The rule was that we couldn't talk about the kids at dinner or else I started to panic. 
As soon as dinner was done, Jarod mentioned that I had done well and I told him that we needed to go home.   I had been gone long enough and was happy to see my baby.
It was a great Father's Day and weekend for an amazing Daddy!  We love you!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Slobber Kisses

Jace loves to give everyone kisses!  He actually more attacks you and it is so funny!  Every morning when he wakes up he has to give everyone kisses.  Jacoby loves it, actually we all do!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

5 Months Old!

Yep, he really is this adorable and happy!!!
Jace, you are my sunshine.  That is one of your many nicknames but it is so true.  You are the happiest baby and you make everyone around you happy with your big grin!  You are the sweetest thing ever and you make me want to have ten babies if they were all like you!  Your dad would never let that happen though. 
You are getting to be such a big boy and I love absolutely everything about you!!  Here are a few things that you have been up to lately.
1.  You rolled over for the first time from your belly to your back the day before you turned 5 months.  I put you down and you just flipped over like you had done it a hundred times.  I rolled you back over and you did it again.  You haven't done it since though.
2.  You still love your bouncy seat but you are getting too big for it
3.  You like your exersaucer if it's near a window or Jacoby
4.  You are a social butterfly.  You have to be near us or you fuss until we move you next to us
5.  You love to watch Jacoby all day long and when he isn't around you look for him until you find him and then you kick your legs because you are excited
6.  You look just like Daddy with Mama's nose and your eyes are lighter like mine
7.  You love your Mama!!  You love to cuddle with me and have me hold you all day long. 
8.  You start the night out in your bed but you usually end up in ours at some point.  Still waking up at least two times a night, most of the time three. 
9.  You are a great napper!  You take one 45-60 minute nap in the morning, a short 30-45 minute in the afternoon and at least a 2 hour nap in the late afternoon. 
10.  You love to drink water.  We discovered this when you attacked my glass one day!  You cry when we take it away from you and you can hear the water across the room and get excited.  You can also drink out of a straw!
11.  You always try to sit up when you are on your back like crunches.
12.  You are still in size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes

We love you Jacers and we are so glad that you are in our family!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


We pulled out the Exersaucer for Jace.  He is getting a little big for his bouncy chair.  He wasn't so sure what he thought about it until he saw the green dinosaur thing,  He went right after him and sucked on his horn like crazy.  He loves standing up and he looked so proud of himself standing in there.  He really liked it for a few minutes and then he would much rather be held.  Story of his life.  Good thing we all love holding him as much as we do!!