Wednesday, June 13, 2012

5 Months Old!

Yep, he really is this adorable and happy!!!
Jace, you are my sunshine.  That is one of your many nicknames but it is so true.  You are the happiest baby and you make everyone around you happy with your big grin!  You are the sweetest thing ever and you make me want to have ten babies if they were all like you!  Your dad would never let that happen though. 
You are getting to be such a big boy and I love absolutely everything about you!!  Here are a few things that you have been up to lately.
1.  You rolled over for the first time from your belly to your back the day before you turned 5 months.  I put you down and you just flipped over like you had done it a hundred times.  I rolled you back over and you did it again.  You haven't done it since though.
2.  You still love your bouncy seat but you are getting too big for it
3.  You like your exersaucer if it's near a window or Jacoby
4.  You are a social butterfly.  You have to be near us or you fuss until we move you next to us
5.  You love to watch Jacoby all day long and when he isn't around you look for him until you find him and then you kick your legs because you are excited
6.  You look just like Daddy with Mama's nose and your eyes are lighter like mine
7.  You love your Mama!!  You love to cuddle with me and have me hold you all day long. 
8.  You start the night out in your bed but you usually end up in ours at some point.  Still waking up at least two times a night, most of the time three. 
9.  You are a great napper!  You take one 45-60 minute nap in the morning, a short 30-45 minute in the afternoon and at least a 2 hour nap in the late afternoon. 
10.  You love to drink water.  We discovered this when you attacked my glass one day!  You cry when we take it away from you and you can hear the water across the room and get excited.  You can also drink out of a straw!
11.  You always try to sit up when you are on your back like crunches.
12.  You are still in size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes

We love you Jacers and we are so glad that you are in our family!

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