Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

My boys are so lucky to have Jarod for a Daddy.  He is absolutely amazing and I am so proud of him and the daddy he is.  His boys love him so much and so does there Mama!
We had a very special Father's Day this year, because Jeff came out for a visit.  Daddy got to spend the weekend with his family and his best friend, I don't think it gets much better than that. 
On Father's Day we drove to Dayton to go see the air museum.  We had heard such good things and wanted to check it out.  It was so much cooler then I ever thought it would be.  Actually, it was really cool! 

Jacoby got to drive an F16 and so did Mama, Daddy and Jace.  We toured lots of different hangars full of airplanes and artifacts.  It was so interesting.  We left Jeff in the dust to read all the information and he filled us in on it later since we were busy entertaining a three year old.
The coolest part by far was taking the bus over to the actual air force base and touring the Presidential Hangar.  It was incredible!  JFK's air force one was there and you could even see where they had cut the back wall to make room for his coffin.  It was very eerie but really cool!!
I am sure this will not be the last time we go to this museum!

Ha, ha!  We thought we were so funny taking this picture and then Jacoby walked up there and did it too.  We were laughing so hard and I love the shot!!  Who knows, maybe a future President!
We had the best time having Jeff here.  It was like the good old days.  We laughed more then I have in a long time.  It was so much fun!  Jarod and Jeff went golfing one day.  Another day we went to the pool but I think the highlight for all of us was the amazing meal we had with just the three of us.  Yes, I left Jace for the first time when Jeff was in town and we went out for probably one of the most amazing meals of my life at a local steak house.  Jace did great with our neighbors Rachel and Jeff and I did pretty good.  The rule was that we couldn't talk about the kids at dinner or else I started to panic. 
As soon as dinner was done, Jarod mentioned that I had done well and I told him that we needed to go home.   I had been gone long enough and was happy to see my baby.
It was a great Father's Day and weekend for an amazing Daddy!  We love you!

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