Friday, March 18, 2016

4 Months Old!

My sweet baby Jackson.  You are the most beautiful baby inside and out!  We could not love you more!

1.  Has been sleeping like a champ!  I would say most nights you sleep through the night.  Usually go down about 8:30 wake up around midnight to eat. go back to sleep until 6, eat and up for the day around 7.  You start the night out in  your co-sleeper but then snuggle with your mama after that.
2.  We took you in for your 4 month check up and you weighed in at 16 lbs and 13 oz.  I could not believe it.  You are in the 80%.
3.  You rolled over from your back to your front for the first time a few days before four months.  Mamma and Paka were in town and you showed them a new trick.  You were playing on the floor in the toy room.  Once you get on your tummy you can't quite figure out how to go the other way.
4.  You are in size three diapers and 6-9 months clothes.
5.  You laugh and giggle and squeal a lot.  You like to get everyone's attention and then you give them a big smile with your whole body.
6.  You are always good for a smile even when you are tired or hungry.  You constantly pull off nursing and give me the biggest smiles and every time as you are dozing off you open your eyes one more time and smile at me before really going to sleep.  It is the sweetest thing.
7.  You are a mama's boy and lately you do not like being away from me at all.  You will scream and scream if I leave you.  Your poor daddy wants to comfort you so badly but will not have any of it.
8.  You dislike your car seat and tell us about it.
9.  You are the happiest baby and love to just be with your Mama and watch the world go by.  You love to walk around and see what is going on constantly.
10.  You adore your brothers and watch them constantly.  They feel the same way about you too.  Jacoby can get you to smile and laugh better than anyone and you light up when we go get him at school.  The boys sing this song to you all day long, Jackson is the best, Jackson is the best.  It is so cute and we really think that you are.

We love you Jackson, Jacks, Jacksey and Bird (just a few of your nicknames)!