Monday, July 18, 2016

8 Months Old

Jackson your mama loves you so much!  There are multiple moments a day that I could explode for the love I feel for you.  You take my breathe away and I am so happy that you are my baby.

1.  We cannot go any where without people stopping us to tell us how cute you are.  Constantly.  All day long.  I agree.  You are the cutest baby ever.

2.  You are every where!  You roll, scoot and get around.  I wouldn't say you are crawling but you get everywhere you want to go.

3.  You can go from your tummy to a seated position.

4.  You wave bye bye

5.  You say mama

6.  Sweet potatoes and peaches are your favorite food

7.  You are a mama's boy through and through

8.  You pull yourself up to your knees and sometimes all the way up to your feet on me.

9.  You are always good for a smile and are one happy baby.

10.  You love to go on walks and be outside

11.  You are still wearing size 9 months clothes and you are in a size 4 diaper now.

12.  You love to clap and get so excited when you do and squeal.

Jacksie we love you so much!!  You have the sweetest spirit and have all of us wrapped around your little finger.