Sunday, March 31, 2013

Set apart

Wow!  I received the most amazing blessing today to be set apart as primary chorister and I wanted to write it down so I would always remember it.  It was especially neat because today is Easter and I am so thankful that Heavenly Father took the time to give me some much needed perspective in my life.
I don't remember everything but here are a few things that I remember. 
The blessing started out with sustaining me to my new calling.  Then I was told that Heavenly Father is very pleased with me.  He is pleased that I took this calling and chose to serve other people.  He told me that I would be a powerful teacher and the music that I taught the children when help their testimonies be stronger.  He told me that the children in the primary are very important in God's kingdom and I was doing important work. 
Then he told me that God was also pleased with the amount of love that I have for all but especially for my own family.  He told me that I was an inspiration in the love I have for my children and husband.
He also told me to continue to do the things that I am doing and to stay strong and have faith and my hearts desires for my family would happen.  He told me that I was doing a good job and I needed to keep doing what I was doing and eventually all the blessings of the temple would be bestowed on my family.  He promised that I would have many blessings poured on our family.
It was an incredible blessing and hit me so hard.  I have been praying and praying for months/years and to be promised that eventually I will have the eternal family I so long for was completely overwhelming in that moment.  I was sobbing.  Seriously sobbing.  The spirit was so strong and I knew that Heavenly Father was aware of me and my little family like never before.  I know that he has a plan for us and it meant so much to me to taste a little bit of that plan today. 
I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father today for the blessing I received and I am also so thankful for the atonement and that Jesus died for my sins.  Today in sacrament meeting, we had two amazing talks.  But one of the stories hit me so hard.  A man had a dream that he was in a room with all the card indexes of his life.  They were organized by sins and things that this man had done in his lifetime.  On the bottom of the card was written his name.  The man was very upset that he had done some of these things and then Jesus came in and looked upon the man with sadness and then proceeded to take each card and write in red his name over the man's name.  I had never heard this story before that I remember and it was a very powerful image. 
This Easter has been the most spiritual Easter I have ever had.  Church today was amazing and the spirit was so strong the entire time.  I really do love my ward and I am so thankful to be apart of it. 

Easter 2013

All of these pictures are out of order but I think you can figure them out.  Jacoby was so excited the he woke up really early to find his Easter basket.  He had left a treat for the Easter bunny and he ran down the stairs to see if it was gone.  Then he hunted for his Easter basket and it was exactly where he thought the Easter bunny would hide it.  In his worm hole.  The space between the couch and the wall is what he calls his worm hole and sure enough it was there.  He couldn't wait for Jace to wake up.  When Jace woke up he wasn't sure what to think but Jacoby helped him find his Easter basket hidden behind the curtain and Jace was so excited about his new books and ball (Easter eggs). 
Then we got the kids dressed in their darling Easter outfits and headed to church.  I can honestly say that this Easter was the most spiritual Easter I have ever had.  Church was incredible and then I was set apart for my new calling.  The spirit was so strong all day and I really had a chance to focus my thoughts and those of my families on Christ. 
When we got home, the Easter bunny had left Jacoby a note that he didn't see that morning (or Dad and Jace left after sacrament and hid it and the eggs) telling him he had hid eggs for an Easter hunt.  The boys were both so cute finding eggs in their rooms and outside on the patio.  It was raining so we didn't get to have them all over but what we did have was a huge hit. 
That night we had asparagus lasagna for our Easter feast.
I am so thankful for the Atonement and what my Savior did for me and my family.  I know He lives and that He loves me.  I know that He has prepared the way for us to over come death and live with Him again some day.  I want my children to know that I will do everything that I can do to live worthily for me to be in the celestrial kingdom with them some day and I hope that they will do the same.  Nothing in this world means more to me then an eternal family and I hope some day that we will be one and that we will all be together for eternity.  This is truly my deepest hearts desire.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Egg Decorating

Jace is in the stage that he thinks he is such a big boy and thinks he can do everything that his big brother can do and coloring Easter eggs was no exception.  The boys had a blast.  Jace didn't want to leave them in the color though.  He just kept picking them up and tossing them in to another color.  Jacoby was very patient with him and kept trying to show him the way to do it.  He is so good with his brother!  Jacoby wrote his own name and Jace's on an egg.  He was very busy make them beautiful. 
After we decorated Easter eggs, I had printed off pictures of Jesus and we talked about why we celebrate Easter. 

Easter Egg Hunt

We took the boys to the ward Easter egg hunt at the church.  Jace wasn't sure what to do at first but as soon as Jarod told him to go and find the balls he was off!  He loved it!  I think he liked throwing them and having them make noise more then anything.  Jacoby had a blast running and finding eggs.  He was beaming the entire time.  He also was such a nice big brother and helped Jace find some eggs and shared with him as well. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Date Night

Jacoby snapped this picture of Jarod and I on our way out the door for a date night.  Not too bad for a four year old. 
I am so thankful for Jarod.  He is the most incredible person I know.  He loves us and makes sure that each of us know that every day.  He can always make us laugh  and he always sees the positive in every situation.  When we went to Denver a few days ago, we missed our flight home.  We got to our gate at the exact moment they closed the door.  We had been standing in line for over 2 hours.  First to check Jace in and second in security because the day before they had cancelled all of their flights.  By the time we got there we were all exhausted and I started sobbing.  I was holding Jace and Jacoby kept trying to come and talk to me.  I told him I needed a minute and then I would talk to him.  I was trying so hard to pull myself together but it had been a long few days in Denver and I was really ready to go home.  As I was standing there, holding Jace with tears streaming down my face.  Jarod walked over, put his arms around me and told me that everything was fine.  We were together, everyone was ok and we would enjoy our day together.  He knew exactly what I needed to hear at that moment.  I was able to pull myself together and we went and enjoyed a nice lunch and raced around the airport.  We ended up going back to his parents house and catching a flight the next day and we were fine because we were all together. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


This little guy is into EVERTHING!!!  He keeps me on my toes all day long and he never stops from the moment he wakes up until he crashes for a nap or at night.  He keeps us laughing too!  He is a little joker and we sure do love him, even if we have to keep the bathroom door closed all the time!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

My New Calling

A few Sundays ago, the Bishop called me in to his office and we caught up.  I love Bishop Sullivan.  He is a very good man and has had a huge impact on my little family.  We talked about everything but the reason he called me in there was to talk to me about having a new calling.  He wanted to make sure that it was ok with Jarod and also wanted to know if I thought we were ready.  I haven't had a calling so I could attend meetings with Jarod but lately he has been bailing after sacrament.  He told me to go home and think about it and to let him know the following week.
The following week we spoke again and after much thought and prayer I decided that it was time for me to have a new calling.  I was prompted many times over the week that I needed to serve.  I needed to stop waiting for Jarod and loose myself in serving others.  Even right before the bishop came and got me, I was sitting in relief society and they were making a list of how to be like Christ and the word service was on the board.  I felt like it might as well have been in neon, flashing lights because that's what it looked like to me. 
I went in and told the bishop that I was ready for a new calling and he asked me in what capacity.  I responded that I just needed to serve and so wherever the Lord needed me I was willing to be.  Then we spoke about my family.  Lately I have been filling a huge amount of pressure because I kept telling myself that I was the spiritual leader in my home and if I didn't do everything who else was going to.  I didn't voice this to him but he told me that he felt inspired to tell me that Jarod was playing a huge spiritual role in my family.  He told me that he was teaching my children by example as well as teaching them very important spiritual lessons every day.  Like being honest and being a good person.  It was exactly what I needed to hear.  Even though Jarod is not a member of the church he is the best man I know and I am so thankful he is my husband and the father of my children.  I would be very lucky if my boys grow up to be the man their Daddy is.
On Sunday, I got my new calling and it was exactly what I was hoping it would be.  I am the new primary singing leader!  I will be set apart this Sunday.

Jacoby and the Holy Ghost

On Sunday I was filling in for music time.  I had planned a lesson for us to learn the song "If the Savior Stood Beside Me".  I had all the children stand in a circle with space between them and then I asked the missionaries if they would come in and walk around the circle and stand next to each of the children.  I told the kids that we were going to have special visitors that day who were witnesses of Jesus Christ.  I asked them to be very reverent and they were, shockingly.  I sang the song as the missionaries walked around and the spirit was so strong.  I could tell by looking at Jacoby that he was feeling it.  I know that he has felt it before but I don't think he had recognized it until now.  After the song was over, the missionaries left and I asked everyone how they had felt during the song.  Jacoby was the first to answer and told me that he felt like he wanted to go and ride his scooter because he was happy.  I had to giggle but that was the best explanation for how the holy ghost felt for a four year old.  I was so excited that I was able to be there and have that experience with him.  He got home and couldn't wait to tell Daddy all about it. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Big Bear

 After spending a couple of days in LA with the Shaws, I loaded the kids up and we went and met Elish and the boys near Ontario airport.  I was so excited to see them and meet Parker!!  We had so much fun playing at the park and catching up!  Our plan was to pick Jarod up at the airport and then head up the mountain to Big Bear.  Well Jarod's flight was delayed for four hours so we left and I followed Elish up the hill.  We got almost all the way up when Jacoby told me he didn't feel well.  I handed him a bag and told him that if he needed to throw up to do it in there.  Instead a few minutes later he puked all over the seat between him and Jace and woke Jace up.  I flashed Elish to pull over and we did the best we could to clean it up and then started on our way again.
 When we got there Rob came out and greeted us.  Took my puke covered child inside and in the bath while I took care of Jace.  Then Rob cleaned the entire car out and washed every thing.  Those are the type of friends the Benson's are to us.  We take care of each other's puked on children. 
 It was so good to see them and catch up but our big boys did not do so well together.  They were like oil and water.  Don't let this picture fool you!!  They did ok when we were out and about but as soon as we would get back to their house they were back at it.  Jacoby wasn't feeling well and was grouchy so it was not a good combination. 
 The babies did great and it was so much fun to meet Parker.  He reminds me so much of Elish and Bray is a mini Rob. 
 We went and skied up there, those mountains right behind me in this picture.  The daddy's took the big boys while Elish and I visited in the locker room.  Jace slept the entire time.  Then we left the boys with the boys and we went up by ourselves.  We had so much fun!  Jace decided this trip that he is a dog lover and can say puppy.  He says pup.  He loved Diego and followed him around the entire time we were there.  He would take his tail and then tickle his own face with it.  He would just stand and pet him too.  It was really cute!
 We tried to sneak in as much visiting as possible over four boys and every night when we put them to bed we stayed up way too late talking and laughing.
 It had been too long and we had so much to catch up on.  We sure do miss living close to them but we decided next time the big boys aren't invited.
 On Monday morning, we headed back down the hill.  Jacoby threw up again.  We went to in and out for lunch.  It was so good!  Then we went to Redlands and visited with the Huston family.  It was so good to see them.  The girls were so big but their house was almost exactly the same so it felt really weird to be there. 
 We stopped by the Redlands bowl and walked around.  Then Jarod got a call that our flight the next day was cancelled.  AWESOME!!  They rebooked us at 6:30 the next morning out of LAX.  2 hours away from where we were. 
 I then took the boys and drove to Guldners in Corona.  Which was a really nice visit.  Jarod went to University of Redlands to talk to a crowd of 150 people.  That was the real reason we went out there.  Redlands paid for him to come out and talk at their senior business dinner.  He said it went really well.  He spoke for about 25 minutes and then answered questions for an hour and a half.  Then he came and met up with us at Guldners.
We left Amy and Greg's at 3:30 in the morning.  Jace transferred really well.  Jacoby not so much.  Then we flew to Cleveland and had a five hour lay over and finally arrived in Dayton later that night.  We drove home in a blizzard but when we pulled in to our drive way I don't think I have ever been so happy to be home.  It took us almost 17 hours to get home!  it was a great trip for traveling was really hard.  The boys were amazing but frankly we just live too far away to do that very often.