Sunday, March 31, 2013

Set apart

Wow!  I received the most amazing blessing today to be set apart as primary chorister and I wanted to write it down so I would always remember it.  It was especially neat because today is Easter and I am so thankful that Heavenly Father took the time to give me some much needed perspective in my life.
I don't remember everything but here are a few things that I remember. 
The blessing started out with sustaining me to my new calling.  Then I was told that Heavenly Father is very pleased with me.  He is pleased that I took this calling and chose to serve other people.  He told me that I would be a powerful teacher and the music that I taught the children when help their testimonies be stronger.  He told me that the children in the primary are very important in God's kingdom and I was doing important work. 
Then he told me that God was also pleased with the amount of love that I have for all but especially for my own family.  He told me that I was an inspiration in the love I have for my children and husband.
He also told me to continue to do the things that I am doing and to stay strong and have faith and my hearts desires for my family would happen.  He told me that I was doing a good job and I needed to keep doing what I was doing and eventually all the blessings of the temple would be bestowed on my family.  He promised that I would have many blessings poured on our family.
It was an incredible blessing and hit me so hard.  I have been praying and praying for months/years and to be promised that eventually I will have the eternal family I so long for was completely overwhelming in that moment.  I was sobbing.  Seriously sobbing.  The spirit was so strong and I knew that Heavenly Father was aware of me and my little family like never before.  I know that he has a plan for us and it meant so much to me to taste a little bit of that plan today. 
I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father today for the blessing I received and I am also so thankful for the atonement and that Jesus died for my sins.  Today in sacrament meeting, we had two amazing talks.  But one of the stories hit me so hard.  A man had a dream that he was in a room with all the card indexes of his life.  They were organized by sins and things that this man had done in his lifetime.  On the bottom of the card was written his name.  The man was very upset that he had done some of these things and then Jesus came in and looked upon the man with sadness and then proceeded to take each card and write in red his name over the man's name.  I had never heard this story before that I remember and it was a very powerful image. 
This Easter has been the most spiritual Easter I have ever had.  Church today was amazing and the spirit was so strong the entire time.  I really do love my ward and I am so thankful to be apart of it. 

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

What a great day!!! Thankyou for sharing. I am sure that the blessings will be yours. Keep up the great work you are doing and know that Heavenly Father loves you and is watching over you. I love you and am so proud of you. Mom