Sunday, March 10, 2013

My New Calling

A few Sundays ago, the Bishop called me in to his office and we caught up.  I love Bishop Sullivan.  He is a very good man and has had a huge impact on my little family.  We talked about everything but the reason he called me in there was to talk to me about having a new calling.  He wanted to make sure that it was ok with Jarod and also wanted to know if I thought we were ready.  I haven't had a calling so I could attend meetings with Jarod but lately he has been bailing after sacrament.  He told me to go home and think about it and to let him know the following week.
The following week we spoke again and after much thought and prayer I decided that it was time for me to have a new calling.  I was prompted many times over the week that I needed to serve.  I needed to stop waiting for Jarod and loose myself in serving others.  Even right before the bishop came and got me, I was sitting in relief society and they were making a list of how to be like Christ and the word service was on the board.  I felt like it might as well have been in neon, flashing lights because that's what it looked like to me. 
I went in and told the bishop that I was ready for a new calling and he asked me in what capacity.  I responded that I just needed to serve and so wherever the Lord needed me I was willing to be.  Then we spoke about my family.  Lately I have been filling a huge amount of pressure because I kept telling myself that I was the spiritual leader in my home and if I didn't do everything who else was going to.  I didn't voice this to him but he told me that he felt inspired to tell me that Jarod was playing a huge spiritual role in my family.  He told me that he was teaching my children by example as well as teaching them very important spiritual lessons every day.  Like being honest and being a good person.  It was exactly what I needed to hear.  Even though Jarod is not a member of the church he is the best man I know and I am so thankful he is my husband and the father of my children.  I would be very lucky if my boys grow up to be the man their Daddy is.
On Sunday, I got my new calling and it was exactly what I was hoping it would be.  I am the new primary singing leader!  I will be set apart this Sunday.

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

You will be great music leader. And Bishop Sullivan is right Jarod is teaching those boys valuable lessons. They adore him. love mom