Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas in Cincinnati

 We flew home from Boise on December 29 and the boys were so excited to see what Santa had left for them!  Jace didn't even take his coat off.
 Jace got a walking toy,
 Dad got the yearly calendar.  This year I did two.  One for the office and one for home, so technically it was like a present to me too.
 Jacoby got a new bike and bubble machine.
 Mama got a tea cup and hot chocolate that Jacoby picked out all by himself. 
 Then we opened up presents from great grandma Leinen and this lamb was the biggest hit with Jace. 
 He loves on it all day long and gets so excited when he sees it!  It is so cute!
Jacoby was so excited for his big boy bike.  He rode it around the house for a few days.  Then he tried it out outside.  He does pretty good but when he wants to go really fast he gets on his scooter.
We had such a great Christmas this year!

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