Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My sweet Jace at 16 months

Words cannot express how much I love you little guy!  From the moment in the delivery room when your Daddy placed you in my arms for the very first time, there it was that overwhelming feeling of love.  I want you to know how much I love you!  I want you to know that your Mama tries every day to be the best Mama I can be for you. I know that you were sent to me at the right time and I know with everything that I am that you are mine and I am suppose to be your Mama.  I can't believe how fast you are growing and how badly I wish that I could slow it down but it is so fun watching you grow and develop every day.  You love to learn and challenge yourself and I love to watch you.  You are so incredible!  I love to hear your little feet patter.  I love how when you run you swing your arms or when you dance you bop up and down and throw your arms side to side like a little gorilla.  I love how determined you are that you can walk up and down the stairs even though you have fallen so many times I have lost track.  I love how big you think you are and that you refuse to have a sippy cup with a lid on it.  I love how you sing, especially in the car.  I love how you recognize you and Jacoby's favorite song, The Adventure by Angels and Airwaves.  I love how when you want me to sing to you, you come over to me and start doing the actions for wheels on the bus or the itsey bitsy spider and then you get so excited when I do start singing.  I love how you love to be naked and you giggle and run away every time I change your diaper and then throw a tantrum  when I put one back on you, ok I don't love that part:)  I love how you giggle and get so excited for milky.  I love how you think I need to suck on your toes while you nurse and you take my hair and tickle your ear.  I love how excited you get when Daddy comes home and how you are his little buddy for most of the night and I love how much you love your big brother and I love to watch you play and giggle together.  It's my favorite!  I love you Jace!!  You are my sweet baby and I am so glad that you are mine!

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

What a sweetheart he is. I know that he was meant for you. Love that little guy.