Tuesday, January 19, 2010


On Christmas day, we took Jacoby sledding for the first time! The plan was just to pull him around for a little while and then it turned in to us taking him down on our laps-not so sure how but he absolutely loved it! And he is the cutest snow bunny I know!!

I was REALLY nervous at first and I had to be the first to take him down to make sure it was safe because I knew I would take him slower than Daddy. He kept going wheeee all the way down and after a few times I got a little more comfortable and let his Daddy and Grandpa J take him down.

This picture is fuzzy but it is an action shot! Look how much he loved it! we would get done and he would point to the top of the hill again! I think we discovered that we might have a little bit of an adrenalin junkie on our hands!

It was the best part of our Christmas Day watching Jacoby so happy and trying something new! We love our little adrenalin junkie!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun. Jacoby looks like he loved going fast.