Sunday, October 21, 2007

Illinois vs. Michigan

Jarod and I made the trip down to Illinois for the Michigan game. At first we said that we were like Switzerland and didn't choose sides but soon we found ourselves cheering for Michigan. Who can cheer against the team that Tom Brady played for? It was a great game and Michigan walked away with a win. We are on our way to Ann Arbor next week for Michigan vs. Minnesota at the Big House. Can't wait!


Lindsey said...

Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun and are quite the sports fanatics! How fun to be close to so many good games!

Ericka said...

you'll have to come to arizona, we could hit a diamodbacks game, then a suns game, and hmm...what is the football team here? Seahawks?? Raiders?? :) well, whatever, you get the picture!! and it will be warm!