Friday, November 2, 2007

Mesmirized by candy

I had to share this picture of my nephew! He was a monkey which is absolutley fitting. Kimber was trying to send me pictures on my cell phone on Halloween night but they were not coming through. She finally sent a text message and said "just imagine Ty in a giant monkey suit but cuter". So true but I agree this little guy is much cuter than the image of Ty in a monkey suit that I had.


Lindsey said...

Too cute. I love that monkey costume and the banana in the pocket kills me!

Unknown said...

I loe our Nephew. He is so cute. Anyways I got a blog set up. I don't really have alot to say but it is there. Love you.

The Hemming's said...

So I am really still confused about this whole blogging thing. So I am leaving you a message on this picture in hopes that you will get it and can answer a few of my blogging questions.Since I can't figure out another way to geta hold of you. I guess I could call:). Also please check out my blog it is either under "the hemmings" or "emhemmings blog." Let me know what you think.Talk to you soon!-em