Friday, December 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Bowl

The last couple years we have had a Bowling Tournament. This year we had the whole Gill gang out for the festivities and rented out the entire bowling alley. I just happened to bowl my greatest game ever this year with 5 STRIKES IN A ROW!! Even I was speechless. I have never got two in a row let alone 5!!
Michael had a great time this year. He loves his Grandpa!
The Dominator girls!
We all have bowling nicknames...
Ash and Brandon. Aren't they a cute couple.
Michael even got to bowl and with the help of the bumpers, he got his first strike. He was so funny and wanted everyone to clap for him every time.
King Pin and Spare me. AKA Dad and Mom

Royal (our competition), Vera and Derek
Grandma just knitted the entire time. She is so funny!

What a cute little family and one more on the way!

The Dominators... and boy did we dominate again this year!


Lindsey said...

What a fun idea! I love all the nicknames! I am impressed with the 5 strikes! You could totally go on tour with the PBA - Professional Bowlers Association. (I have no idea what they really call themselves. . .I just thought that sounded good!)

Jessica said...

I am impressed that you even knew what that stood for or even if you made it up I wouldn't know the difference. The problem is that was a total fluke! I think that is why we were all so suprised. Gut R usually is a great nickname for me!