Saturday, March 17, 2012

St Patrick's Day

We spent St. Patrick's Day in Boise this year! Jacoby was so excited. That morning, we put green food coloring in Jacoby's milk and he had a special treat of lucky charms. He didn't think the milk was nearly as cool as we did because he doesn't like milk on his cereal.
Jacers looked so cute in his St. Patrick's Day outfit and I love this picture of him and my dad. He was his happy self all day.
My mom got these cute hats for the kids and they loved them. We took them on a leprechaun scavenger hunt and you wouldn't believe all the things they thought the leprechaun left for them. Leprechaun grass, rocks, sticks you name it. It was so cute.
My mom made Shepard's pie for dinner and then we had green cake. It reminded me of St. Patrick's Day when I was a kid.
It was fun to be home for a holiday and do fun things with the kids. We love our cousins!

1 comment:

The Hemming's said...

Is it just me or do we have like the cutest babies in this family? I love the pictures of all the kids on the step.I can't wait to see them all again.