Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

 The night before Halloween we gave the boys some new Halloween jammies this year.  Jacoby was so excited that his were glow in the dark. 


On Halloween, we had preschool.  We played Halloween bingo and did a Halloween scavenger hunt and made crafts.  It was so much fun!  When Jarod came home we made a pumpkin pizza, snapped a few pictures and headed outside in the freezing rain to go trick or treating. 
It was cold this year and we made it down one street and crossed and started to head back and Jacoby was done.  We had so much fun going from door to door but it was too cold so we came home and had some candy and hot chocolate.  Jace loved looking at all the kids and decorations.  He got lots of attention and had a smile and wave for every one. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ronald McDonald House

One morning, Jacoby and I happened to have the TV on and we were watching the Today show which never happens.  There was a story about a little boy in California who has cancer and for Halloween he was collecting Halloween costumes for the kids in the hospital who couldn't go trick or treating.  I said to Jacoby isn't that a great idea.  He turned to me and said that he wanted to get costumes for the sick kids too.  I was kinda taken back and though how am I going to pull this together in five days but I knew he really wanted to and I wanted to help him.  So I sent an email out to our ward and to my friends here in Cincinnati.  Jacoby and I also ordered some unopened costumes online and the morning before Halloween this was the stash we delivered to the Ronald McDonald house.  We ended up with 28 costumes!  He was so excited!
The kids and I took the costumes in and put them in the lobby.  They wanted me to just leave them there but he wanted to see some of the kids and I wanted to make the most of this opportunity so they gave us permission to walk around the grounds.  We found three parents who we gave gifts too.  There children were too sick to leave their rooms but we asked there names and how old they were so it was more personal for Jacoby.  The highlight was playing with a little girl in the toy room.  She was two and Jacoby picked out a Cinderella costume for her.  She immediately put it on and he was so pleased with himself and then they proceeded to play.  Him in his fireman costume and her in her Cinderella costume.  It was an incredible experience and a tradition that I think we will continue every year. 
Jacoby, I am so proud of you!  You have such a tender heart.  You have a heart of service and I hope that I can help you serve others as much as you want to.  You inspire and amaze me every day.  Your love for others is truly amazing and I am so proud to be your Mama.  I love you so much!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

We had so much fun carving our pumpkin this year.  Jacoby had a very clear vision what he wanted our pumpkin to look like and he kept telling us that it was perfect so I guess that means it was a success.
Jace liked touching the pumpkin but at one point Jacoby put some seeds on his arm and he crawled as fast as he could across the table to my arms and that is where he stayed the rest of the time with his spoon in his hand. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Trunk or Treat

This year we went to the ward Trunk or Treat party.  The party was just all right but these pictures are awesome!  Jacoby wanted to be a fire fighter this year, which we were all so surprised by- ha ha!  Daddy dressed up this year as Jacoby's fire dog as he calls him. 

This is my favorite of them!!
Jace was a teddy bear so I dressed up as Goldilocks. 
He is such a sweet cuddly little baby that we thought a teddy bear was perfect for him.

We had so much fun taking these pictures but then Jarod decided to take off his costume considering we were the only adults dressed up and he could.  I on the other hand spent the night as Goldilocks. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

What a treat!  We got to go to the pumpkin patch on a beautiful 80 degree day in the middle of the week.  It was gorgeous and it wasn't crazy with people!  I think we will try and go in the middle of the week every year. 
As soon as we got there we jumped on a hay ride that took us through the fields and then in the forest.  It was beautiful!  The leaves are so pretty this year. 

Then we headed in to the pumpkin patch.  Jacoby was so excited to pick out a pumpkin.  He wanted a big one for him and a baby one for Jace.

I think Jace enjoyed the wagon ride more then looking at pumpkins.

They had this cute farm area as well and Jacoby and Jarod were so cute showing the animals to Jace.  Jacoby would tell him what noises they make.  I love that he was holding his hand as well.

But this is my favorite shot of the night!!  My little pumpkin's bum!  It is too stinkin cute!
It was a great evening and Jacoby found the perfect pumpkin for him and one for Jace too!

Monday, October 22, 2012

My sweet boy!

Every night after Jacoby goes to bed, Jacers takes full advantage of having Mama and Daddy all to himself.  We play, read books and love on our Jacers.  There is usually LOTS of laughing and tickling because this little boy can laugh and laugh and I don't think he ever stops smiling for long. 
We love our time with our baby boy!  We love you so much Jace!
His little cheeks have been so bad with eczema lately that it has been driving me crazy trying to figure out what is causing it.  The doctor just told me to let it be but I can't.  Something is causing this and I WILL figure it out.  I don't like my boys to be uncomfortable and I will do anything in my power to make sure they are not so right now I am trying every thing and hoping I can figure it out.  In the meantime, I don't think it is bothering him as much as it is me.  It looks like it is so painful but he really doesn't seem to mind as long as I am not trying to put something on it. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Can you tell how excited he was for the leaf pile!!  And yes, he has on jammies.  He always puts them back on in the afternoon because they are so comfy according to him.
We made a big pile from some of the leaves in the back yard and let the boys play in it (yes, all you can see is his shoe!). 
Jacers was a fan just like his brother.

I love these pictures of them playing together and laughing. 
And even though this is a little bright this picture is one of my favorites of Jacoby! 
Jacoby kept asking me to bury him.  You couldn't see him at all and then Daddy when come around with the mower and Jacoby would jump out and scare him.  So one of our neighbors Amy was walking her dogs and she stopped on her way by and let the kids play with her dogs and then headed on her way.  When she was headed back, Jacoby spotted her and asked me to bury him.  When she walked by I gave him the signal and he jumped out and scared her.  It was so funny!  And of course he thought he was so silly.