Tuesday, November 13, 2012

10 Months Old!

You are so much fun!!  You keep us laughing all day long and are the happiest baby I have ever known.  You love your big brother and always want to see what is going on.  You have to be in the middle of everything all the time and if you aren't you tell us about it.  We love you Jacers!
Some fun things about you.
1.  We are still struggling with your eczema.  You and mama are gluten free and have been for a few weeks.  At first I saw a huge improvement but recently you have had a big flare up again.  I am constantly trying to figure out what it is and I have still not given up but I am not sure if we will know without doing testing on you which I don't want to do yet.
2.  You are a great sleeper most of the time.  You nap twice a day.  One short and one long.  Sometimes you nap longer in the morning and some times in the afternoon.  I continue to go with the flow and it works for us.  At night you still wake up after about 45 minutes and then you go back to sleep.  You usually sleep a long time about 5 or 6 hours and then you wake up, eat and go back to sleep but then you are usually waking up every hour until morning.
3.  You get so excited to see Jacoby and love him so much.  You love to chase him around the house and you can go pretty fast these days.
4.  You have mastered going up the stairs but still working on going down.  You think you can go down them side ways?  Scary!  I have caught you so many times but you keep trying while I keep trying to convince you to turn around.
5.  You always have to have a treasure in your hand even when you fall asleep.  It is usually a crayon, spoon or pen. 
6.  Still loves to nurse and does so on demand.  I actually don't even know how many times you do.  One of these days I guess I should count.
7.  You are enjoying food so much more these days.  You really enjoy the little baby food pouches that you can suck on.  Your favorite is the purple one that has purple carrots, blueberries and other purple things I can't think of right now.
8.  You love to sing songs.  You love the itsy bitsy spider and you try to do the hand motions. 
9.  You are wearing size 3 diapers and you really don't like having us change your diaper.  I have to chase you around the house to dress you or to change you.
You are so much fun and we love you so much Jace!

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