Saturday, July 13, 2013

Mowing the Lawn

 Jace loves helping Daddy mow the lawn.  He gets all excited if Jarod even starts talking about it and when he pulls the lawn mower out, watch out- he goes crazy!  He hangs out, sings and points out every stick to Daddy.  Daddy picks it up, hands it to Jace and then Jace chucks it where it is suppose to go.  He loves every minute of it and so does Daddy unless it is over 100 degrees outside then we wait until Jace is asleep before we mow.
While they mow, shockingly Jacoby is in jammies and his work boots chasing around bubbles trying to catch them in his mouth.  Great entertainment I tell you.  There is something about watching those yellow boots jump, gets me every time.

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

Love those underpants!!!! So funny with him in his boots.