Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A little bit of a Daddy's Boy

Jace is becoming a little bit of a Daddy's boy and Jarod is loving it!  When daddy is home Jace likes to be with him and even cried the other morning when he left to go to work.  This has not been the easiest thing on me.  He still loves me and wants me when he wants milky, to go to sleep or when he gets hurt but he wants his dad to get him out of his car seat, play with him, pack him around the store.  It is really cute but new territory for me!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A few things

A few things I don't want to forget that I am loving about my boys right now. 
Every night when Jacoby says his prayer he always thanks Heavenly Father for all the animals, except for sharks and then he always ask that all the animals will be able to find their way to their families and food, except for sharks.  So funny!  Not sure what his thing against sharks is but I am pretty sure it has something to do with shark week that was happening when we were in Boise and Michael was so excited about it.
Whenever I go lay down with Jace, I put him on the bed and he runs to the pillows and sits on them.  Then he pats with his hand right next to him until I come and lay next to him.  It is so cute!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Happy Boy

One afternoon I was trying to clean the house and this little one was not having any of it.  He just kept wanting to wash his hands so I decided to just strip him down and let him play in the sink.  He was in heaven!  He played in there for over an hour and the best part was I had the music on and this little bum was dancing and bopping to the music.  It was so cute!!

Friday, August 9, 2013

How we eat

This is how we eat noodles and boy did they think it was the best thing ever!

Monday, August 5, 2013


 We had a great trip to Boise.  Daddy was able to join us for the weekend and we had a blast at the water park and then we also headed downtown to our new favorite French restaurant for brunch.  We also spent lots of time with family and it was so fun to have Daddy there.
 We got to be there for Benson's first birthday!  He is too cute and I was so glad that we got to be there for his party.
 We went to a new petting zoo in the middle of no where with Emily and her kids as well as most of the cousins.  It was crazy hot!

 but they got to touch some really cool animals like zebras!

 I had Jace in the stroller but he was insistent that he needed to pet the baas and the neighs.
 We had a really fun barbecue at Ty's house and the kids had so much fun playing. 
 Jacoby loves spending time with his cousins and it was awesome having the boys so close.  Kimber and I would meet at the corner and they would run back and forth and play.
 I love this kid!  He wanted me to take his picture like this.
 Uncle Ty built them a water park in his back yard and Emma was over playing with Jacoby so they all got to play in it and loved it!
 This pic cracks me up!
 Jace loved playing with the big boys
 and not so much with his younger cousins.  We don't quite know how to share yet and we are entering that really fun stage with the little ones. 
It was a great trip but it is funny how things work out.  We were suppose to be there over a different time but we bought the cheapest plane tickets in six weeks.  The morning that Jarod flew out, Ash had taken Emma to the doctor and they were told that they needed to take her to the hospital because her sugar levels were so high.  Poor miss Emma was in the hospital for the next few days where she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.  I am so thankful that I was there.  I would have been going crazy had I been in Cincinnati with everything that was going on.  Jacoby spent a lot of time at the hospital keeping her company and I really feel that was the real reason we were there.  I think that cousins made the best medicine for this little girl to get her through the hard few days at the hospital.  I was also so grateful that I got to help with Benson and be there for my sister.  Emma is so amazing and is doing great!  I am so proud of her and her Mama! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Jacoby and his side kick Jace

These two are partners in crime!  Jace wants to do everything his big brother does and Jacoby always wants Jace to play with him and be every where he is, so it works most of the time.  Jacoby is such a great big brother and Jace adores Jacoby.  It is so cute to watch them play.  Lately they love dressing up and jumping from the coffee table to the couch.  They also love jumping on the beds and having pillow fights.  I love to hear them giggling together.
Whenever Jacoby gets sent to time out, Jace follows him up to his room.  Even if it was for doing something to Jace.  Jacoby always waits for Jace to get up there and then thanks him for coming up.  The other day, Jace was a little late and Jacoby told him, "Jace thanks for coming, I didn't think you were going to and I was missing you so much.  Next time come faster, OK Jace." 
I love these two crazy boys!