Friday, August 2, 2013

Jacoby and his side kick Jace

These two are partners in crime!  Jace wants to do everything his big brother does and Jacoby always wants Jace to play with him and be every where he is, so it works most of the time.  Jacoby is such a great big brother and Jace adores Jacoby.  It is so cute to watch them play.  Lately they love dressing up and jumping from the coffee table to the couch.  They also love jumping on the beds and having pillow fights.  I love to hear them giggling together.
Whenever Jacoby gets sent to time out, Jace follows him up to his room.  Even if it was for doing something to Jace.  Jacoby always waits for Jace to get up there and then thanks him for coming up.  The other day, Jace was a little late and Jacoby told him, "Jace thanks for coming, I didn't think you were going to and I was missing you so much.  Next time come faster, OK Jace." 
I love these two crazy boys!

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

These pictures make me laugh. They are so cute!