Friday, August 7, 2009

8 Months Old Already!

My sweet baby is 8 months old and so full of personality it kills me!! I love these pictures of him! I took him out and took 35 and 30 of them turned out adorable so I chose a few to post- so cute!!
Here is a few things about Jacoby this month.
1. Loves his Mommy and calls me Momma. I love it!!
2. We think he has said Uh-oh and hi a few times but we are not certain. He says Da but I don't think he gets who dadda is yet like he does with Momma
3. Jacoby can whistle! It is so cute and he does it all the time!
4. Loves to blow raspberries
5. Loves to give big kisses
6. Is my two good napper now- thank goodness!
7. Loves to eat! His favorites are sweet potatoes, peaches, apple sauce and avocado
8. Can scoot backwards and sometimes forwards but prefers to walk with you
9. Will pull himself up on to his knees and almost to his feet holding on to things
10. Gets so excited when he hears the bath water, when we get close to the park or when his Dad gets home. Starts kicking his legs and squeals like crazy!
He is so funny and keeps us laughing all the time and did I mention cute? We are so blessed to have him!


Anonymous said...

He is absolutly perfect! Can't wait to see him next week! Love MOM

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Your pictures are fantastic! He is so, so cute! I can't wait to hear him/see him whistle. Love, Heidi

Suzanne said...

Holly cow!! What a cutie! I love the last pic. He has the most beautiful eyes!