Wednesday, February 24, 2010

First Hair Cut- Kinda!

This picture makes me bust up laughing every time! This face kills me! He had no idea what was going on and he was not impressed! I had not seen this face before this day and I haven't seen it after! So funny!
Jacoby's hair was getting a little long in the front and I am refusing to cut any of the rest of his curls because they are too stinkin cute so Jarod gave him a little trim on top to keep his hair out of his eyes.

Here he is with his new do- still looking a little confused!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mamma and Paka

Jacoby is so lucky to have these two amazing people in his life- we love you!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pink Party

I am skipping ahead a little bit here to share these pics from my Aunt Cheri's pink party while I was in Boise!! I was so glad I was able to be there for it. This is how the party started a kid attached to my leg begging me to pick him up constantly! I have a clinger lately!

Luckily for me he soon discovered it was much more fun to play with Cousin Boden than hang on Mommy's leg. Especially since they matched in their salmon shirts- it was the closest thing to pink we had!

It was so much fun seeing everyone and we even all had matching shirts for Cheri's Birthday!

Jacoby discovered the little chairs at the church too! He is a little obsessed with chairs these days!

Mom and Heid sporting there pink gloves!

Rylan and Jacboy had a blast chasing the bigger kids around the church!

The Gill Gang!!
It was so much fun to have a pink party to celebrate not only Cheri's 50th Birthday but that she is a breast cancer survivor! We love you Cheri and we hope you had a great Birthday!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

For my Birthday Jacoby decided to throw me a yogurt party all over my house!!
He had yogurt for breakfast and I put it on the table, got him out of his chair and ran to the back of the house for a few minutes. When I came back this is what I found! He was busy finger painting the living room with yogurt and a cheese puff that he had found.

Nothing says Happy Birthday like a nice clean floor and window sill covered with yogurt!!
Jacoby and I went to brunch with Nella and Lindsey later that day and then we waited for Daddy to get home.

When Jarod got home from work and after I showed him the pictures of my present from Jacoby, we went to Pizanno's for pizza. It is my favorite pizza place in Chicago and it is where we went the night before I had Jacoby. We thought it would be fun to take him there since he loves pizza so much. Jacoby ate two slices all by himself!
While we were at dinner, Jacoby and Jarod gave me a card and inside was a picture of the new camera that I wanted! I was so excited I teared up! I have been wanting a new manual camera for quite a while but they are so expensive I didn't want to spend money on one but they bought it for me!

I have been having so much fun taking pictures and getting to know my camera!
I had the best Birthday! I have such a wonderful life and I am so thankful for all of my many blessings- especially this little cheese ball!!

Shedd Aquarium

In January, we took Jacoby to Shedd Aquarium for the first time. It was FREEZING that day so it was packed with people trying to find something indoors to keep the kids entertained.
We brought in the stroller but now that he is walking every where he thinks he needs to push the stroller so this is how we roll!

I had to put this picture of him holding on to my hair- this is his new thing. He has always played with my hair but now he just holds on and it is his comfort blanket. I love it!

Jacoby telling me all about the fish and what a fish says and he pucks up his cute little lips. He was so funny and had to tell us over and over what the fish say.

A couple of years ago when Michael was this exact same age we took him to Shedd. It was so funny that Jacoby went for the exact same exhibits that Michael went for.
We had a great time and Jacoby loved seeing all the fish and was very interested in everything that was going on.

Baking with Mom and Dad

Jacoby has been very interested in helping us cook lately so a couple of weeks ago we decided we would actually let him help us bake something. We are not big bakers because if I made cookies and treats all the time I would eat them- so it is easier to just not have them around. We decided we would make chocolate zucchini bread that my mom made when we were home at Thanksgiving and I had been thinking of since then!!
Jacoby loved helping us! His favorite thing to do was to help put the ingredients in especially the vanilla and then the little pistol wouldn't give up the lid for anything and I cannot even tell you how many times he snuck in the lid when we weren't looking. Luckily we were able to get it out and it wasn't baked into the bread!!
He was filthy by the time we were done and his hair was all in his face, so I put a little lotion in his hair and stood it all straight up and out of his face. He looked pretty funny! I know a lot of moms put mohawks and crazy hair on their babies and most of the time I think it looks really cute but for some reason it just doesn't fit for my little guy!
The bread was so yummy by the way!!!