Sunday, June 20, 2010

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

For Memorial Day weekend we decided to take a mini family vacation to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We stayed downtown in this really cool hotel that had a water park indoors!

Jacoby loved going down the slides and playing in the water. He really has a thing lately for turtles so he thought the turtle was really cool and said hi and bye to the tuuurt-tel every time we went by.

He has been getting really good at swimming lately and he even did better when it was shallow. He would lay down in the water and float and kick his little legs as fast as he could. Then he would stop kicking and stick his mouth in the water and inhale- that's how he blows bubbles. He doesn't get the whole bubble thing yet.

The first day we went the water was pretty cool in the rest of the park so we stayed in this nice warm area since Jacoby has no body fat and his lips start turning blue quickly when he gets cold. The next morning we went to the park and the water was so warm- we played for hours and got to try out all of the big slides since he wasn't so cold.

I was quite impressed with how big it was and it was nice to be inside and not have to worry about sunscreen.

He loved going down the big slides and as soon as he would get to the bottom he would say gain (again) and we would take him up to do it again.

He had to hold on to dear life to his Mama because for some reason I flew down every slide in this place. Jarod would go nice, slow and controlled and I would come down out of control! I left the park with so many bruises but Jacoby didn't have a scratch. I guess that's what you do as a mom take it all for the team!

It was our first taste of water parks with Jacoby and boy did we have fun!!

The real reason we went to Milwaukee wasn't the water park but to see a game at Brewer's game. We are on a mission to hit all the ball parks in America and we lived an hour and a half from one and hadn't hit it yet.

Jacoby loved the baseball game and was such a good boy. We always get peanuts at a ball game and Jacoby was a big fan. It kept him pretty busy trying to crack them open too. Such concentration.

Reaping the reward from all of his hard work! If he just isn't the cutest thing ever!

Jacoby also tasted soda for the first time and he likes it- shocking I know. The first taste was pretty funny though because he crinkled up his noise from the carbonation.

He flirted with everyone around us and sang song after song. He got really excited when the fireworks would go off and everyone would cheer. He was certain it was all for him.

He lasted for about 2 hours but after that he wanted to run around. We made our way down to the field and watched the game down there as well.

It was the longest game ever though because we left after 2 1/2 hours and they were only in the 4 inning. When we were walking out we stopped to see all of these baseballs. Jacobes thought it was the coolest thing and a nice man walking by offered to take our picture.

We had the best weekend and enjoyed each others company so much! I love spending time with my boys. We were really nervous about Jacoby in the car for that long but he did great and he slept just like this the whole way home. It was nice to have a lengthty conversation with Jarod without the interruptions and he slept like a rock. A win-win for everyone!

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

Oh I want to go there