Thursday, August 5, 2010

Beach Baby

One afternoon Jacoby and I went to the beach with just the two of us. I brought my big camera to mess with the settings and was able to catch some of these pictures of Jacoby while I was messing with it. I love them!
I love my baby so much! He is precious in every way. He is getting so big and I cannot believe that he was 19 months old in these pictures- where did the time go!! He talks non stop and says funny things like nasdeee for nasty, boofull for beautiful, mowe for meow, stitter for spider, right baack for I'll be right back as he points at you and runs away. He is amazing!
He can count to ten with a little bit of help but you will hear him counting to 7 without a beat as he plays with his toys. When he gets down he claps for himself and cheers.
He loves to sing wheels on the bus, itsy bitsey spider, 5 little ducks and 4 song. He not only knows the words and the actions but he also has the melody down. It could be the cutest thing ever but my favorite is when he sings and makes his own songs up. He gets all in to it and plays his guitar or dances and squishes his nose all up. It is hysterical!
I love to hear the pitter patter of his little feet running up and down the hall and his giggle makes me smile every time. He loves to wrestle with his Daddy and he has the best belly laugh when they do. He asks to cuttle with me and loves to sit on my lap, play with my hair and nuzzle in. I love these moments and still get them all the time! He is such a cuddler and a mama's boy and I love it!
He loves to give kisses and says mmaaaww when he does. When he falls down he wants you to kiss it better again and again and again and even after a few days he still wants you to every time he notices his oh-eeee.
He is growing up so fast and I am doing my best to make it slow down and remember these moments.

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

I am so excited for you all to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can't wait!