Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Letting Go

Jarod was out of town this year again on my Birthday. Wrigley seems to plan the same meeting every year over my Birthday but since he was out of town I got to go to dinner with my friend Steph. We left the boys with Ben and they had a great time watching Sesame Street and pretending to sleep while we went out for sushi. Not only was the food amazing but also the conversation. There is something about Steph that allows me to take down all of my walls and just be myself. We always end up in deep conversations and I learn so much about myself and her through them. She is such an amazing person and I am so glad that she is in my life.
During our conversation, I shared with her some things I have discovered in my life lately that were holding me back and she told me of some things that were doing the same to her. We decided that week we were going to prepare ourselves to let these things go and that weekend we were going to get a ton of balloons and really let them go as we let go of the things that were holding us back. We did just that. I thought, read and prayed a lot all week and when we got together on Saturday I was ready and so was she. We headed down to the lake front with a blanket and a ton of balloons- what can I say we have issues :)! We both had a marker and we both took our time writing things on our balloons and then letting them go as we sat together and shared this crazy but very profound moment. It was very therapeutic and I was so glad I was able to do this with her.
I think some times in life we are too afraid to let things go but I really feel in order to progress as an individual we need to free ourselves of our baggage. Just let it go, let it all go. The mean things some one has said to you, your mistakes, your short comings, everything. I promise you will feel much better. I sure do!!


Steph said...

One of the best.days.ever. I love you girl always and forever! Thanks for everything and for helping to "let go". You are A-MA-ZING

Jim Domeny said...

When you explained this to me it was so tangible. You are such a beautiful person and have insight beyond your years. I love you

Unknown said...

I am always amazed at the insight that you have on life. I am sure this was such an amazing experience to see those balloons fly away with all of the things that are holding you back. Love you.