Sunday, August 14, 2011

We are Having a Baby!!

We are so excited to share the news that we are having another baby and could not be more excited about it! Our baby is due January 15, according to my doctor in Chicago but he moved it from January 18 so we will see what our Cincinnati doctor has to say when we get there.

Jacoby is so excited about his baby. He talks to it all the time and in the morning when he wakes up he rolls over and tells the baby good morning and kisses my belly. He talks about how he wants to hold it, kiss it, help change it's diaper, and how he is going to share his Mama, milky and his inky with the baby. He seriously talks about the baby all day long and when we are not talking about the baby he says, " I want to talk about my baby." He also includes baby in everything that we do. He always says, "Mama, Daddy, Jacoby and Baby are going to go to the park," or whatever else he thinks we need to do at that time. He is so excited! He has been talking about his sister Julia since last summer but now that I am pregnant he changes his mind if it is a boy or a girl but if it is a girl he is certain her name will be Julia and if it's a boy it will be baby!

I was sick in the very early stages but after about 7 1/2 weeks I have felt great. Thank goodness! I don't know what I would do right now if I was sick with Jacoby and a big move coming up. I started showing right off the bat. That was my first sign that I could actually be pregnant. My pants were starting to get tight and when we went to Seattle for Memorial Day I had to go to Target and buy maternity pants at 6 1/2 weeks because my pants were so uncomfortable. This picture above was taken at 16 weeks. I am putting on weight like crazy with this pregnancy and it is all over. With Jacoby I was all out front. Actually this is a completely different pregnancy than I had with Jacoby so it has all been new again.

I felt the baby move for the first time on July 28, a few days shy of 16 weeks. I was laying on the couch with Jarod after a really rough and emotional day and I felt three little kicks that brightened my day! I don't feel this baby nearly as much as I felt Jacobes at this point and it is all on the left side when I do but I am sure that in a few weeks the baby will be all over the place.

We are so excited to have another baby in our house. I know without a doubt that this baby was suppose to come to our family at this time and we cannot wait! We love this little baby so much already and we are already counting down the days until January when we get to meet him/her!


Joy said...

SO happy for you guys! Can't wait for our kids to play together!

Jim Domeny said...

I was really suprised when you told me. I had just told my friend at the airport that you were not pregnant...Little did I know.I am so excited to add another baby to our family!!!! Yeah!!! Love you