Saturday, January 26, 2013

My 34th Birthday

For my 34 Birthday, I decided that I wanted to go out for sushi with the boys!  We asked Jacoby if he wanted to go on a date with us and he was so excited.  He told us that he needed to get dressed up to go on a date.  He needed to take a shower and put gel in his hair.  He looked darling and I loved that he was so excited!  They were great and not only does Jacoby love sushi but so does Jace!  He was hilarious!  He was eating with chopsticks and thought he was such a big boy.  We ordered a sweet potato roll that amazing and he loved it! 
Then we came home to the cake that Jacoby had made for me.  This is his favorite thing to do for birthdays.  It was a butter cake.  Never knew there was such a thing and I wouldn't really recommend it but him and Daddy had fun making it. 
Jacoby was also insistent that I needed red roses for my birthday and they went and bought me pink goggles for when we go swimming.  He wanted me to be able to swim under water with him and use my night vision.
Jarod surprised me with a new Canon 7D!  I was so excited!!!  Now if I can just figure out how to work it!
But the best present of all came from my Jacers, who started walking on my birthday!  It was adorable and something I will always remember. 
I love my family and I know that I am very blessed and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for my husband and beautiful children. 
Here is the card Jacoby wrote for me from him and Jace.
Happy Birthday!  I love Mama, mama's milky, mama's snuggles and mama. 
I love you.  We surprised you for your surprise today.  Happy Birthday I love everything you do and I like everything I get for you.  And I love cool things you do like swimming and showing me how you can go to the bottom of the sea floor. 
Love, Jacoby

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