Monday, March 3, 2008

A Trip Home

I went to Boise a few weeks ago to see my family. It was so nice to be home and catch up with everyone. I, of course, took way too many pictures of this little guy so here are a few updated shots of Michael. He is growing up so fast and I swear he had grown four inches since the last time I saw him. He actually has legs now!

So there is a reason for the picture of the rock and no that is not the new baby... every time Michael comes over to my mom and dad's he picks up a rock from outside and brings it into my mom. It is so cute! He is all excited to show her the rock that he picked out just for her. My mom has quite a collection of rocks to say the least.


The Hemming's said...

Isn't it amazing how something as simple as a rock is such a "prize" to these little people. Rainy and Michael should compare there rock collection. She has to stop and examine a few everytime we come home all along our walkway.I just love these little guys!Cute, cute!

Suzanne said...

I bet it fun to see your family. I was in Chicago last week. It was only in the airport, but it's fun to say that I was in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Jessica, your blog is great. I goggles your name and found it. I love, but not ready to start my own for the sake of having ot keep it up to date!!

Tahnks again for a GREAT visit. Too bad Nate wasn't there when I was, I would have been way excited !