Today I got a text message from my friend Lindsey that she was standing on the corner waiting to see Obama drive by near my house, so of course I wanted to go out and see the motorcade as well. How often does the President of the United States drive by? Lacy,
Jacoby and I headed out the door around 3:30 and it was sunny and beautiful. We walked and found Lindsey and her daughter
Nella and hung out for a while. President Obama was suppose to go by around 4-5 on his way to a fundraiser in my
neighborhood that the tickets started at $30,000. So we settled in and were busy neighbor watching while we waited.
There was a little boy around 4 that had these cute Obama cookies and he was offering them to everyone waiting for the parade. One of the many police officers asked him if he made the cookies and he said, "nope, my chef did" without missing a beat. Yep, his chef made them! This little boy was there with an entourage that included his chef, his nanny and another lady that I am not sure what her job was but she was taking pictures. Maybe he already travels with his own
paparazzi. We thought it was hysterical!!
On the other corner there was this cute white dog that had this very fancy collar on and leash. The lady started talking to us about our babies and how cute they were and we spoke to her for a few minutes before she started up a conversation with another lady by us about her dog taking piano lessons! Yes, her lap dog plays the piano and even takes lessons!!
Oh I have interesting neighbors!!!
Then it started to rain... I mean pour down on top of us so we found a tree and tried to keep the babies dry while we still waited and waited.
After waiting for over two hours, he was delayed due to the perfect game by the White
Sox and the weather, Obama and his 40 car motorcade went blazing by us as we stood and watched from the side of the street drenched and then we had to walk home in the pouring rain.
It was an interesting day but at least I can say that I saw Obama and I can add it to
Jacoby's baby book.