Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nebraska vs. Colorado

Woo hoo we were so excited about this!! Every year we go to a new stadium and this year we finally got to go to Lincoln and it was awesome! and freezing!!

The stadium was amazing and a little odd. You could tell that they just had to keep adding on. My only complaint was holy stairs! Usually I wouldn't complain about stairs but after my huge football win the day before I was feeling pretty good about myself so later that night when Jarod tried to tackle me in the middle of the living room I tried to clear him by jumping and landed right on the side of my foot and was down instantly in pain. The next day I still couldn't walk and had to go up all those flights of stairs- not fun. It got even better when Jacoby decided that he wanted me to hold him and do the stairs when we went down to check out the facilities.

But anyway, we had a great time and Jacoby was so good even though it went right through his nap.

He was so tired when we left though and was asleep within 5 minutes of getting in the car.
The day before we were driving in the car and we were all excited about the game and said "Go Big Red" Jacoby said "Nooooo, red means stop green means go!" and proceeded to correct us every time but by the end of the game and ever since he yells "Go Big Red!!".

Thanksgiving in Omaha

I was really excited to spend Thanksgiving with all the Jostes' this year. Jim's sisters are amazing people and I always really enjoy spending time with them and their families. This year Matt joined us in our annual Thanksgiving day football game and what can I say I won again. Next year everyone is going to want to be on my team. This year it was Connor, Matt and I vs. Jarod, Jim and Collin. We won in over time with a 30 yard field goal by Connor.
Then we came home and tried to warm us since it was 18 during our game. We took a few pics with our baby who had just woke up and then it was time for dinner.

Jacoby got to sit at the kid table for the first time. He had so much fun with all the kids. This is only some of them but the ones that were there for Thanksgiving this year. Neil, Cleo, Maddy, Jacoby with his cute turkey bib my mom sent him, Dylan, John and Luke.
After they got down eating, we sent them down to the basement and we all enjoyed our meal. Can I tell you how bad I want a basement now? It was amazing! They had the best time. The toys were not every where. I had a meal in peace for a few minutes before mine had to come up and be with his Mama but seriously I want one!

I am so thankful for these two boys. They are my world and I am so lucky to have them. Jarod is such an amazing man, actually the most amazing man I know and then there is the little one who stole my heart the first time I saw him. I love you both more than I can even tell you and I am so thankful for both of you!

Visit to Dow City

We went to Omaha this year for Thanksgiving but the day before we made the short hour drive to Dow City, Iowa to visit Jarod's grandma Estelle. The town is so tiny and I can never get over it but it is always fun to go and visit. Jacoby got a really cool train for Great Grandma Leinen and here he is telling her thank you and giving her hugs.
Then he had to play with it right under where everyone was trying to cook dinner but hey it kept him entertained.

When he was done with the train we hit up the old toy room where we found this large giraffe and we all know how much my child loves Giraffes and we also know how he has to ride neigh on everything so I wasn't surprised when the giraffe became his newest victim. And yes that is a soap opera in the back and I was surprised to find out that Uncle Phil follows his soap.

4 generations. Jacoby was so cooperative for this picture that the only way we could keep his hands out of his teething mouth was to do this. Oh well we got the shot.

There is not much to do in Dow City so even when it is absolutely freezing outside you hit the park that is a few feet from her house. We had a great time but Jacobes got soaked by going down the slide so when we got back we threw his pants and socks in the dryer and barrowed some of Estelle's. I love this look!
We had a great time and she kept us laughing. Seriously she is hysterical and has some pretty amazing one liners but the quote of the day was "He must have been a Cub's fan!!".

A Litte Guitar Action

When we were in college, Jarod decided that he wanted to learn how to play the guitar so for his Birthday I bought him a guitar and he took lessons while he was in school. Jacoby has been really interested in his play guitars so Jarod thought it would be fun to pull out his guitar and see what Jacoby thought about it.
Jacboy was very impressed and loved it. They played a few tunes together and sang along. Their favorite song is called "Blue Bonnets" and I love to hear them sing it together and this night they attempted to play it on the guitar as well. Jacoby gets all in to it and has certain hand motions for different parts. It melts my heart every time.

It is their song and I love to hear them sing and/or play it.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

Jacoby went as Tigger this year for Halloween and loved it. The first time we put on his costume we asked him where his tail was. He looked around and around and then started chasing his tail like a dog. Jarod and I were both laughing so hard we were crying and he thought it was funny too. So every time he put his costume on we would ask him to do it and if he was in the mood he would chase his tail but if not he would sit down and then grab the tail and stand back up. Very resourceful Tigger I would say.
We had a busy Halloween weekend. Friday afternoon I took him to Wrigley in his costume to see everyone. He was a huge hit like usual and we stopped all business going on there that day. On Friday night we went to the ward Halloween party. Jacoby had a great time and ran around like a wild man. They had a scary maze in one of the rooms and he thought it was a tunnel and went through it over and over and the scariness didn't seem to bother him one bit.

On Saturday we met the Johnson's on Clark Street for some trick or treating. Here in the city you don't really go door to door but most of the neighborhoods have their own trick or treating where the store fronts hand out candy and there is lots of entertainment as well.

I thought it was brilliant and these two little guys did too.

It didn't take Jacoby long to figure out what was going on and when he did he got more selective about the candy he was taking. He usually went for the suckers or m&m's and then would put it in his mouth immediately and try his hardest to eat it before the next store. He didn't realize that we could save it for later. He was in hoarding mode and it was funny.

We stopped and watched a little music show put on by the neighborhood and then headed over to the park for a few more pictures.

But by this time he was running around like crazy because of his major sugar high so we took him home and fed him before we headed over for another Halloween party later that night at Neil and Sidney's.
On Sunday, we ended the Halloween festivities by heading over to Condie's for burrito night. We had a great fun filled weekend with our little Tigger.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Playin with the dolphins

My dad was here for two weeks but we were so busy working we didn't have much time to play. so the last day he was here we went to Shedd Aquarium. We have annual passes and go quite a but this was the coolest day at the aquarium ever because it was empty.

We were the only people in the shark exhibit and I took full advantage of it taking lots of really cool pics- some even with the flash but shhh don't tell any one.

We noticed all sorts of things we had never noticed before since it is always packed.

Then we headed to go see the dolphins and the whales and I fell in love all over again with my camera. Seriously, some of the coolest pics I have ever taken. I think I am finally starting to get the hang of it.

How cool are these?

Jacboy was loving it being empty as much as we were and had a great time playing on the ledge and pretending to swim like the dolphins.

My favorite!
Then we went up stairs and watched the new show which was pretty cool and then came home just in time for lunch and nap time. We had the best morning! Thanks Mom and Dad for coming out. We had a great time and Jacoby is still asking where Paka is at least ten times a day.

Carving Pumpkins with Mamma and Paka

We were so excited to have my parents in town to carve pumpkins with us this year. My dad was in town for two weeks doing some remodeling on our house and my mom joined him at the end of his trip to enjoy a few days with us.
I thought for sure that Jacoby would love to carve the pumpkins and get all dirty this year. He really liked it last year. He was not a big fan this year. Even with us trying to convince him to stick his hand in the pumpkin he was happy just watching and using a really long spoon. He really liked playing with the seeds and I am still finding them all over. He is an expert hider. Jacoby did love when they were all lit up. He was mesmerized.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Apple Picking 2

The weekend of Jarod's birthday we went back out to the apple orchard but this time we went with Ben and Stephanie Johnson and their little guy Ty. Steph's brother Sean and Joy and Johnny Condie.
Jacoby showed Ty the ropes through the pumpkin patch and this time he discovered how much fun it is to play with a wheel barrel. We had a great time but in the few weeks since we had been there the apples were very picked over but we did finally find some and had a great time doing it.