Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My boys

This is how we hang out almost every day. All of us in our jammies and cuddling as much as possible. We are starting to get the hang of a family of four but most days we are still lucky to get dressed. I think Jacoby prefers it like this because whenever I try to get him out of the house he never wants to leave and as soon as we get home we both put on our jammies again. Me because I am in that awkward don't fit in anything stage. Too small for maternity and too big for my regular clothes- so drawstrings are the best. Jacoby because it is just what he prefers and little Jacers because I think nothing is cuter than a baby in snuggly jammies!
So this is how we spent our lead day in 2012!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

First day at Church

We took Jace to his first day of church at 6 weeks. It happened to be the Freeman's last Sunday so I spent the entire time crying but it was really nice being in church with my boys.
He was a dream like usual. Jarod dressed him in his coming home from the hospital outfit. He filled it out a little more this time and looked adorable!
Everyone was excited to see him and he was the talk of the ward. It was a lot of fun showing him off and Jacoby was such a proud big brother telling everyone what Jace's name was and wanting everyone to meet him. It was so cute!

The Freemans

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I'm in Love

I am head over heals in love with this sweet baby! I have it bad. He is absolute perfection and I just cannot get enough of my sweet boy!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My sweet Valentine's!

We had a great Valentine's Day this year. I got the boys all dressed in their red and ready to take pictures and Jace peed out as I was taking pictures but I still got some cute ones. Then lucky for me I had two Valentine's outfits for Jace!

My littlest Valentine stretching

My bigger Valentine having to get in the picture because I cannot take pictures of Jace by himself without the other one begging me to take his picture too.

I love this picture! They love each other so much!

Look how big I am getting and my rolls are starting to come in. He is also starting to stretch out but he still likes to stick his little bum out when he curls up which I love! He also puts his little feet together sole to sole when he balls up and I am pretty sure that is how he was inside.

Jacoby checking everything out

I just love this little Valentine

and this big one! We had hot chocolate with home made heart marshmallows with our breakfast and then for dinner we made heart calzones. It was so fun! My mom and I made oversized envelopes for the boys as well and every day after quiet time, Jacoby would run down to get his Valentine in his envelope. We would write down what we loved about our boys on the Valentine. He loved it and I love our new tradition. To celebrate, I took the boys out for my first outing with just the three of us. We went to target. Jace slept from the moment we got in the car to the moment we got home, which was amazing and Jacoby was such a good boy fighting fires on his fire engine (aka cart) at Target. It was a great success!

Me and the boys made cards for Daddy out of their hand prints and Daddy had taken Jacoby to pick out cards for me and flowers.

On the card for his Daddy he listed all the things that he loves about his Dad and here was his list:

I love my Daddy so much! I love when he plays football and baseball with me. Kissie Monster. Plays the drums and plays the horn and reads books.

On my card he said:

Happy Valentine's Day! I am going to hide from you. I want to say that I love you but I am too busy making my house.

He cracks me up! I am so glad that I got to spend Love day with the people that I love the most- my boys!

Monday, February 13, 2012

1 Month Old

I think that the time is going by even faster with Jace and I just want it to slow down! He is the sweetest thing and I could kiss on him all day!

I saw this idea and loved it so I decided that every month I am going to take Jace's picture on the same calendar to show how much he has grown but I am going to do my chair as well like I did with Jacoby.

Lindsey gave him this blanket and we love it!

Oh my sweet baby Jace! You are perfection! You have came into our lives and blessed it more than you will ever know. We all adore you, including your big brother and we all cannot get enough of you! One of us is holding you all hours of the day and we wouldn't have it any other way.

You sleep all the time! I would say you are awake maybe two to three hours total in a 24 hour period. It is crazy!

You eat like a champ! I am feeding you on demand this time around and you are the most happy, content, chunky baby ever and I love it! It has made life so much easier on me with nursing. I have not had near the problems that I had with Jacoby and I think it has to do with me nursing so long the first time around as well as nursing on demand. It is so much better for everyone.

We took you to the doctor at 1 month and you weighed 10 lb. 7 oz! That is 2 1/2 lbs in a month! Way to go Jacers!

You have rolls on your arms and legs and I could not love them more! They are so stinkin cute.

You have your Daddy's dimple and since you started smiling we see it more. You smiled for the first time at us on Feb. 12 a day shy of a month old. I was holding you in the kitchen and we were all making breakfast. Jacoby was on the island and Daddy was standing next to us. You gave us all the biggest smile and we were all so excited! We don't get to see it very much though because you are sleeping all the time.

You are almost out of your newborn clothes and onesies. You are in size 1 diapers now. We switched you over at about 3 weeks.

You do pretty good at night. I don't usually watch the clock this time around because I focused way too much on that with Jacoby and I am just trying to go with the flow with you but usually you are awake 2-3 times a night. You go right back to sleep after you eat and I burp you. You spit up a lot though so I usually burp you for quite a while.

You start out in your cosleeper but usually to you end up with me in our bed, or the bed in Jacoby's room or downstairs. We play musical beds right now.

Oh Jacers we love you so much! You are so sweet and precious and we are so glad that you are in our family.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Decorating Cookies

Since I was a kid, every year for Valentine's day we decorate cookies. I look forward to it every year. It reminds me of my great grandma Sessions. She would make sugar cookies with the lightest pink frosting and every year decorating cookies remind me of her even though with a three year old we get a little sprinkles with the cookies!

I am not the only one in my family who keeps this tradition. All of my aunts, my grandma, some cousins and my mom do as well. How neat that all of us think of her every year while we make cookies! It is something that I hope my boys will continue with their children.

This year Jace took in the action from the wrap.

Jacoby on the other hand was very busy helping.

He loved making cookies and loved dumping sprinkles on them. He kept telling me ,"this is so much fun. Kids like to make cookies."

We had a blast and loved eating the cookies all week. Jacoby liked licking of the frosting and putting the cookie back. I think I am still finding sprinkles!!


My mom bought these cute shirts for the boys and we all love them. Jacoby loves to sport big brother shirts and is such a proud big brother. Jace looks stinkin cute in his little outfit as well.

I love my boys so much and I am so grateful for them.

Jacoby is such a great big brother and Jace loves him so much. He loves to watch him and smile at him. Jacoby is really good overall with Jace but when Jace is sleeping he always wants him to wake up and smile at him so he attempts to wake him up. When he does wake up he always says, "Good morning blue eyes"- every time so cute. Good thing for us that Jace can pretty much sleep through anything including a big brother who likes to be really loud.

I just love my boys!

Our Daddy

Jarod needed a head shot for work so I got to take a few pictures of my incredible husband and when I say a few I mean I got like five shots before he was done because both boys wanted our attention. Good thing I got a good one!
My husband is amazing! I don't know what I would do without him. He is the best daddy and husband that I could ever ask for. We are so lucky to have him! We love you Daddy!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


While Jace and I stayed inside and did this...

Jacoby and Jarod were busy making snowmen. Jacoby's first to be exact! He wanted to make one so bad and even though we didn't have very much snow Jarod did his best to accommodate and Jacoby loved every minute of it!

He was so proud of his snowmen! He knew exactly how we wanted to make them. He wanted a Mama and a Daddy snowman and he was certain that the Mama snowman needed to have milky. How funny is that. If you look closely you can see that the Mama one sure enough has milky. So funny! He cracks me up!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Family Pictures

When Jace was three weeks old, we pulled out the tripod and tried to use the timer to take family pictures. It was so funny! We only had a few seconds so Jarod was flying in the shots and I could not stop laughing. We had a baby crying, a restless three year old and a flying daddy. I guess this is our new life and I love it!