Oh my sweet baby Jace! You are perfection! You have came into our lives and blessed it more than you will ever know. We all adore you, including your big brother and we all cannot get enough of you! One of us is holding you all hours of the day and we wouldn't have it any other way.
You sleep all the time! I would say you are awake maybe two to three hours total in a 24 hour period. It is crazy!
You eat like a champ! I am feeding you on demand this time around and you are the most happy, content, chunky baby ever and I love it! It has made life so much easier on me with nursing. I have not had near the problems that I had with Jacoby and I think it has to do with me nursing so long the first time around as well as nursing on demand. It is so much better for everyone.
We took you to the doctor at 1 month and you weighed 10 lb. 7 oz! That is 2 1/2 lbs in a month! Way to go Jacers!
You have rolls on your arms and legs and I could not love them more! They are so stinkin cute.
You have your Daddy's dimple and since you started smiling we see it more. You smiled for the first time at us on Feb. 12 a day shy of a month old. I was holding you in the kitchen and we were all making breakfast. Jacoby was on the island and Daddy was standing next to us. You gave us all the biggest smile and we were all so excited! We don't get to see it very much though because you are sleeping all the time.
You are almost out of your newborn clothes and onesies. You are in size 1 diapers now. We switched you over at about 3 weeks.
You do pretty good at night. I don't usually watch the clock this time around because I focused way too much on that with Jacoby and I am just trying to go with the flow with you but usually you are awake 2-3 times a night. You go right back to sleep after you eat and I burp you. You spit up a lot though so I usually burp you for quite a while.
You start out in your cosleeper but usually to you end up with me in our bed, or the bed in Jacoby's room or downstairs. We play musical beds right now.
Oh Jacers we love you so much! You are so sweet and precious and we are so glad that you are in our family.
Oh my! He is so sweet. I can't believe how much he has grown. Such a sweetie!
I love that Jace has a double chin. It reminds me of Emma's rolls when she was younger. I can't wait to hold him in a week. We are so excited.
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