Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jace 12 Months!

Can this little peanut really be one!  Man, you are so much fun!!  I love that these pictures caught your big personality so well.  Here are some fun things about you at 12 months.
1.  Wearing size 12 month clothes
2.  You are built just like your Mama.  Seriously it is is like looking in the mirror but your face is like Daddy's. 
3.  Wear size three diapers
4.  Napping twice a day.  Once usually around 10:30 or 11 and once around four.  Usually for about an hour in the morning and one to two in the afternoon.
5.  Starting to like food more.  You go through phases.  You really don't like baby food at all but you are at the tricky age where I am nervous to give you big boy food.  Your favorites are pretzels, veggie sticks, olives, avocado, cheese, green olives, blueberries, beans, tuna and pickles.  You love pickles! And raspberries- your very favorite!
6.  You have 6 teeth.  2 on top and four on bottom.
7.  You love to snuggle and be held but you have been enjoying playing by yourself a little bit.
8.  You love to follow Jacoby around every where
9.  You can take lots of steps and are very sturdy but still haven't decided to walk yet.  You are so fast crawling I think you think that walking slows you down.
10.  You are a very good sleeper.  Usually you only wake up once or twice, nurse and go right back to sleep.  We did have a few weeks there when you were up all night and then you popped four teeth.
11.  You sleep with us and love to cuddle back and forth between Daddy and me all night long
12.  You are starting to talk so much more and you added uh-oh and up this month.  You also are signing more.  You really can communicate with pointing and using your own language that all of us understand.  You are very good at vocalizing what you want.
13.  Your pouty face could be the best ever!  And you use it to your advantage.
14.  We want every toy that Jacoby is playing with always and if he moves on to something else then you want that one too.
15.  You love to play with the pots and pans and bang on everything.  You also love cars and balls.
16.  Your eczema is getting so much better!  We are not exactly sure why you get it but after doing a ton of research and speaking with a naturopath doctor I decided to put both of us on probiotics and it has made a huge difference.  It still flares up occasionally but I took you to a dermatolgist and she doesn't think it is eczema any more and is just sensitive skin.  Hurray for us!  It has been a long process but I think we finally have it under control. 
17.  You weighed in at
You are so much fun and we love you so much! 

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

I can't believe he is one! Where did the time go? He has gotten so big. Love the picture of his back side so cute.