Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jace in Gymnastics

 It got to the point with Jace that I had to put him in the baby gymnastics class.  Jacoby was busy doing his gymnastics and it was so hard because Jace wanted to go out with him so we put him in and he loved it! 
 He does all of his tricks with a ball in his hands though which makes it a little more difficult.  He loves to climb, go down the slides and chuck things so this was the perfect thing for him.
 It was also fun to have his friend Elliot in his class, while Elliot's older brothers are in class with Jacoby. 
 Jace would wait the entire time for the bubbles.  He would keep asking for them and take me over to where they were and as soon as she pulled them out he would go crazy. 
 But the thing he loves more than anything at gymnastics is the parachute!  He was so cute and every one in the entire class would laugh with him as he would race around under neath the parachute giggling so hard he could hardly breath.  Seriously the cutest thing ever!  I want to always remember how much he loved it and remember his little giggle and belly laugh while he did it.
 As soon as she would put the parachute away, Jace would go and stand next to the teacher and wait for stamps on his feet.  Then he would get them and go around to every one and show them his stamps.  Then we would go get Jacoby and the first thing Jace would do was show him his stamps, just like this. 
I loved having a class for just me and my baby boy!!  It was so much fun to have a little time with just the two of us.  I love this little baby boy so much!

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