Sunday, May 17, 2009

5 Months Old!!

Jacoby turned 5 months old on May 3. I cannot believe it!! I am a little late getting these posted because to celebrate our big 5 months, we got an ear infection! My poor baby was miserable. It started out as a cold and it just kept getting worse. I called the doctor three days in a row and she kept telling me not to bring him in because we were at the height of the swine flu outbreak so I didn't. On the third day, I knew something was really wrong. He was refusing to nurse on one side and I had held him for 3 straight days. I was exhausted and he was miserable so I loaded him up and took him to the doctor. Sure enough he had a bad ear infection in his left ear. Poor baby!! He took his medication like a champ though and is all better. Thank goodness!!
Here is a few things that Jacoby is doing at 5 months that I haven't posted about.
1. At 5 months, he decided he was done being swaddled and is sleeping in his sleep sack now. Good thing! All of his blankets were getting too small and I was worried about how I was going to break him of that.
2. Rolling over every where
3. Scoots all over the room on his back and pushed off the furniture with his legs to get him where he wants to go.
4. Loves to be outside!!!
5. Enjoys watching older kids play at the park or the dogs
6. Coughs to get your attention
7. Does this new gasping thing when he is excited
8. Is very vain and smiles and laughs at himself every time he sees himself in the mirror
9. Still my short napper but does great at night
10. He has so much personality!! If you can't tell from the pics.
11. Likes to suck on his index finger
12. Dives down when he is hungry to nurse or pulls my shirt down. Wasn't expecting him to know where it was at this age.
13. Loves to pull, play and twist my hair when he is tired.
14. Weighed 14 lb. 14 oz. when I took him to the doctor for an ear infection.
15. Still wearing 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers
16. Is sitting up all by himself for long periods of time. Doesn't haven't mastered yet but so close!
17. Is so excited when his Daddy gets home and wants him to hold him immediately
18. Loves, loves, loves his Mommy and I love him so much too!!!
I can't believe he is 5 months!!


Ericka said...

Ah this is when it gets so fun! You get to see your guy's little personality in everything he does! I love the coughing thing....Charlie does that too, and now it is a game between him and Matt...they just cough at each other! Did you ever think you would love something (or someone) so much?! He's a cutie!

Unknown said...

I love the picture with his togue out. He is getting so big. I can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks.