Sunday, May 17, 2009

My First Mother's Day!!

My first Mother's Day was such a wonderful day!! Jarod got up early with Jacoby and let me sleep in which was awesome!! Then when I woke up he had made banana pancakes for breakfast and had Jacoby all dressed for church and the house clean. Wow! What a guy!! We went to church and came home and went for a long walk through the park and around our neighborhood (which is when the picture above was taken). Then we came home and Jarod broke out the grill for the first time this year and grilled up some steak with all the fixins for my Mother's Day dinner. It was a great day!!

I am so lucky to be Jacoby's Mommy! It is the hardest job I have ever had but also the most rewarding. I have had numerous calls from recruiters trying to get me to come back to work and the other day I was asked by some one to send him an email about what my dream job would be. I thought about it for a long time and realized that I am doing my dream job!! Even though we have some hard days and sometimes I go a little crazy, I am so happy to be Jacoby's Mommy!!


Unknown said...

Jacoby is so lucky to have you for his mom. You are an awesome mother. I love you and miss you.

Anonymous said...

You are the best mommy! He is so in love with you! Can not wait to see you. Love mom