Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Cab Ride

There are many firsts in a babies first year but for an urban baby like Jacoby this was a big one!!
He went for his first cab ride a few weeks ago on our way to a play group. Actually, I really am brain dead these days and walked outside a few minutes before we were suppose to leave and realized that the car was not there. After some panic, I remembered that Jarod took the car that morning and had told me numerous times that he was going to but I don't remember anything these days. So by default we took a cab.

Not only was it Jacoby's first cab ride at 8 months but Aunt Ace's at 18!! They bonded over this special moment :).

They both enjoyed it and Lacy got over her fear of the cab killer off some CSI show she watched. She cracks me up!!
We had a great time at the play group and were lucky enough to find a cab really far north in just a matter of minutes for our ride back. Thank goodness!!!

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