Monday, October 26, 2009

10 Months Old

Since my baby is going to be 11 months old next week thought I should finally get around to doing his 10 month post!
We took these pictures when we were in California a few weeks ago, that's why he is naked in October! My poor baby was not feeling well at all but he still had a few smiles for me when we took these pics.
1. Jacoby is talking! He says momma, dadda, uh-oh, hi and his new favorite word is ball
2. He is obsessed with balls and always has to have one with him and if he doesn't he is looking for one
3. Still does his kick stand crawl
4. Loves to eat! Is eating 3 times a day and loves it! He is turning into my carb baby though and we have to hide the bread because if he sees it he needs it. Some oh his favorites are spaghetti and eggs
5, Loves to go outside and gets all excited about it as we open the door
6. Is starting to pick up on signing and signs more, all done (especially after he has been in his car seat for seconds!), ball and my favorite milk! He signs milk and then hands me his binky when he wants to nurse. It is so funny!
7. Is my good little napper and one of the naps is usually 1 1/2- 2 hours but it changes every day which one is the long one
8. Still in size 3 diapers and probably will be for a very long time. Is wearing 9-12 month clothes but we are having a hard time finding pants that fit him! They are all too big but he needs the length so he either has capris that fit him in the waist or low riders that go to the ankles.
9. Mimics everything we do from sneezing, clapping, coughing, snapping, funny noises, everything!
10. He is so much fun and we love him so much!

1 comment:

Jim Domeny said...

These are so darling! He is really growing. I love the way you can see his feet. They are so his dad's. Love him.