Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

This year for Christmas was our first time hosting. Since I was so pregnant and couldn't travel all of the Jostes' including Bentley came to us.
On Christmas eve, we went to a Catholic mass. Jacoby thought it was pretty interesting and was getting quite annoyed that we had to keep standing up when he wanted to play with his toys but he was a very good boy. Then we came home and had some chili.
Mary always buys him this little suits for Christmas and this year he loved having a tie on and the thought he looked pretty handsome.

Daddy wore this beautiful sweater to work earlier that week and one first place. He loved it so much he wanted to wear it again on Christmas Eve and yes, this is their new pose. We got these adorable Christmas jammies for Jacoby that he got to open up on Christmas eve. He was so excited that they had a reindeer on them.
As we were getting him ready for bed, he reminded us that we needed to leave a snack for Santa and the reindeer. We had completely forgotten. We let him pick out what he wanted to leave them and this is what we came up with. No traditional cookies and milk here. Nope, Santa got a salad, pickle, one piece of chocolate and since "Santa, LOOOOOVES egg nog" according to Jacoby he got some of that too. After I took these pics he also threw in more lettuce for the reindeer and some airplane cookies for Santa.
It was so funny!! What an amazing combination! I had to laugh that he thought Santa needed a salad. Then Jarod and I took him to our room with the Christmas lights on and read all of our Christmas books before he went to bed. He was so excited and kept telling us that he needed to go to sleep so Santa could come.

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